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Sergio Palma Brito. “Now the problems for TAP begin”



Sergio Palma Brito.  "Now the problems for TAP begin"

Although the Commission has given TAP the green light for the restructuring program, the carrier’s future is not guaranteed. “State aid approved by the Commission guarantees the airline a path to long-term viability. This viability is ensured by a TCH with a qualified state shareholder, independent and responsible management and motivated workers. None of these requirements are duly guaranteed. ”- guarantee provided by Nascer do SOL Sergio Palma Brito, author of the book TAP que futuro? How did we get here?

However, the airline will have to allocate 18 slots at Lisbon airport. A claim from low-cost airlines such as Ryanair and easyJet. However, he is exempted from further layoffs, lower wages, or return of aircraft.

The Irish airline has already asked the European Commission to vacate about 5% of the TAP slots at Lisbon airport by next summer, instead of postponing it until November. “The Commissioner’s decision to postpone this 5% minimum supply, equivalent to 18 day time slots, from summer to winter 2022 will further undermine competition and consumer choice in Lisbon and delay the recovery of Portela airport during the pandemic,” said Ryanair Group CEO Michael O’Leary.

TAP’s minority stake in Groundforce (49.9%) will only be sold if the conditions for TAP are “satisfactory,” the Infrastructure Minister said. “That’s why we say we’re not going to fast a little,” he said.

Focus on business strategy

Once this impasse is overcome, a business strategy must emerge that catalyzes the joint efforts of shareholders, managers and workers, according to Sergio Palma Brito. “Priority to the Lisbon hub seems to be guaranteed as the ‘territorial cohesion’ routes from Porto and Faro have been abandoned, adding that“ several intercontinental flights from Porto exist to the extent that demand is not cannibalized. what are the hub flights. “

The aviation specialist recalls that the 1994 decision of the European Commission was based on the government’s commitment to privatize TAP from 1997. In 2019, the restructuring plan is based on a state-owned company. “There is a tactical reference to privatization where the minister says that“ the airline cannot survive in isolation ”in the current situation and that the strategy was to work so that the company remains“ in a solid aviation group, ”pointing to the Lufthansa Group.

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“Is the company in this group state-owned or privatized? The viability of TAP assumes a privatization of at least 80%. TAP’s focus on aviation seems to imply that TAP should leave Maintenance Brazil, Groundforce and Cateringpor welcome, ”he says.

Regarding the loss of slots, the person in charge believes that it does not seem significant, and the size of the TAP, measured in terms of passengers per kilometer and occupancy, is ultimately a result of the market. “Last but not least, TAP will not be able to receive new state aid for ten years. Anyone who survives will see it, and Commissioner Vestager will say that she only made travel possible, not the feasibility of TAP, ”he told Nasser do Sol.

Injection and potential stakeholders

Also this Friday, the finance minister guaranteed that TAP will receive new cash injections from the state by the end of the year. “After the European Commission approves the restructuring, we will invest another 530 million over the next week,” said João Leau.

Pedro Nuno Santos said € 3.2 billion could be enough to make TAP viable. But he left a warning: “If there are no more serious shocks in the context of the next few years, this figure will be more than enough” and recalled that “the final recipient of this investment is indeed the Portuguese economy. Consequently, the Portuguese will benefit if TAP continues to serve the Portuguese economy. ”

And he gave the numbers: a company that exports 3 billion euros, which buys 1.3 million euros a year from various national companies. “It has a huge impact on the national economy.” An argument that is in line with the European Commission’s claims that TAP “plays a fundamental role in the growth of tourism and the Portuguese economy in general and is an important employer in Portugal” as it has over 50 employees in 2019. % of arrivals and departures at Lisbon airport, hence the approval of the new Portuguese regime.

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The minister acknowledged that six people are interested in the national airline. “We believe that TAP should be part of the group. There are several interested in TAP. There are six, three funds and three aviation groups. ” Pedro Nuno Santos says that “to run a business, you need to partner with an aviation group that understands the sector.”

It should be remembered that the amount approved by the European Commission is divided between 2.55 billion for restructuring and returning the company to viability, and 107.1 million for compensating the company for damages caused by the pandemic in the period from the beginning of July to the end of December 2000. “Today is a very important day for TAP, the country and the Portuguese government,” said the Minister of Infrastructure, adding that the arguments were well received and the results are good. “The Portuguese government’s job is done.”

As a reminder, the airline has already received emergency funding of 1,200 million euros in 2020, to which it added 462 million euros in 2021. However, the minister guaranteed that a loan of 360 million euros will now be taken from individuals. in the period from 2021 to 2022, which will have 90% of government guarantees.

Dead end

At the end of last week, Antonio Costa guaranteed that he would refuse to fall into alarmism and “serenely” awaits the decision of Brussels. “I know we have a reliable business. We know that the dialogue with the European Commission was quite intensive, ”he only said.

The prime minister’s reaction came after the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing announced that the airline would be closed if the plan was not approved. “We are talking about the only airline operating in Portugal that has a hub that operates intercontinental flights between Brazil, the United States, Africa and Portugal and delivers to the rest of Europe,” the official said.

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The government submitted the TAP restructuring plan to the European Commission a year ago, while at the same time taking measures such as layoffs of workers. After the European Commission approved government support for TAP of up to € 1,200 million on June 10, 2020, the company had six months to submit a restructuring plan that would convince Brussels that the company would have future viability.

Back in August, the European Commission acknowledged that it feared TAP’s $ 3,200 million in restructuring assistance would be a breach of competition rules, a complaint that has been repeated by other airlines such as Ryanair.

Brussels also said it doubts the 3.2 million-strong support will guarantee the company’s viability once and for all, despite the recognition of the importance of the Portuguese government bailing out the airline. The government has a different understanding, which states that “in this way TAP will be properly capitalized to be able to continue its activities, making a significant contribution to the Portuguese economy.”

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Everything has been delivered. 10 Bugatti Centodieci are already in the hands of the owners



Everything has been delivered.  10 Bugatti Centodieci are already in the hands of the owners

OAll Bugatti Centodieci have been delivered, the Molsheim-based brand said on Monday. Cristiano Ronaldo received the number 07 in October this year. and Bugatti has now revealed that the latest unit – #10 – is already in the possession of its owner.

“The Centodieci combines all the values ​​of the Bugatti brand in an extraordinary package: rarity, innovation, heritage, craftsmanship and unrivaled performance. The production batch of 10 units was so in demand by our customers that it was sold before the Centodieci. was even officially presented,” said Christophe Piochon, president of Bugatti.

This latest example is finished in Quartz White with carbon fiber trim on the bottom and matte grilles. The brake calipers are painted in Light Blue Sport, as is the logo on the rear that refers to the EB110, the iconic Bugatti model that inspired this Centodieci. Inside, the predominant color is also blue, as you can see in the images above.

This block is powered by the same block as the other nine instances. The 8.0-liter W16 with four turbines is capable of developing 1600 hp. In terms of performance, this allows the Centodieci to hit 100 km/h in just 2.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 380 km/h.

Recall that each unit costs the owners eight million euros before taxes.

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The first Dacia hybrid. “The cheapest hybrid family on the market”



The first Dacia hybrid.  "The cheapest hybrid family on the market"

BUT Dacia revealed this Monday that the hybrid engine has been available since March on the Jogger, the Romanian brand’s model known to be available with a seven-seat variant.

The Jogger Hybrid 140, Dacia’s first hybrid, will hit dealerships in March, but customers can expect and order it as early as January.

The price has been revealed by Dacia and since it’s only available in the seven-seater SL Extreme, it starts at €28,800. The brand claims it is “the most affordable hybrid family car on the market.”

Available in six existing colors to celebrate the launch of this hybrid, there will be a slate gray version, as you can see in the images above.

Equipped with a 1.6 liter four-cylinder petrol engine with 90 hp, the Jogger is also powered by two electric motors (a 50 hp engine and a high-voltage starter-generator). The total power is 140 horsepower. The electric transmission is automatic, four-speed, connected to an internal combustion engine, and two speeds are connected to an electric motor. This combined technology was possible, according to Dacia, only due to the lack of clutch.

Combined with the energy recovery levels of the 1.2kWh (230V) battery pack and the efficiency of the automatic transmission, regenerative braking delivers all-electric traction on 80% of urban journeys and saves up to 40% of fuel compared to a combustion engine vehicle.

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See how Tesla tests its electric Semi truck in the worst-case scenarios



Tesla Semi camião elétrico testes

Tesla has finally been able to bring its long-awaited Semi to market. This electric truck promises to revolutionize transportation and bring all the unique characteristics of this type of electric vehicle to this class of vehicles.

Now that the first units have been delivered, there is hope that they will finally be mass-produced and reach more transport companies. With so many promises to be kept, a new video is now emerging showing Tesla testing its Semi truck under worst-case scenarios.

Tesla Semi is already on the market

Like all Tesla electric vehicles, Semi follows the same line of creating a unique design associated with a platform with the most modern technology available. The proof is in what was presented to the public and surprised most people.

To prove the quality of this new proposal, Tesla published in your LinkedIn account new video. In it, he reveals some of the testing he's done to determine the strength and quality of the Semi's design and its (potential) durability.

Tests to prove its durability

It has been revealed that the Tesla electric truck is subjected to numerous tests and its application in the worst scenarios that drivers may face. It doesn't stop at the ruggedness of the Semi's designs, but goes further and focuses on the motors and batteries themselves.

This is the proof that many have been waiting for to ensure that this new proposal is not limited to a lot of autonomy. Its resistance is great and will provide greater durability, further enhancing the Semi's value and performance.

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high quality electric truck

Tesla has already showcased the Semi's quality with a video showing its truck driving roughly 500 miles on just one charge. The big news here is that he managed to make this long journey with a maximum load of about 37 tons.

Now Tesla remains to widely place the Semi on the market. At the moment, only a few companies have access to this new product, with a very long list of pending deliveries, who want to start mass-using this electric truck offering.

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