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The Supreme Court’s decision on Trump’s tax record is more urgent than ever (opinion)



The Supreme Court's decision on Trump's tax record is more urgent than ever (opinion)
The White House stressed that President Donald Trump was never briefed on intelligence reports – asking questions why, if true, that could be a problem. However, on Tuesday night, it was New York Times reports that President Trump, indeed, was briefed on the Russian gift in February – three months before he unilaterally offered to invite Russia to the G7 meeting.
At the very least, it is in line with Trump’s long pattern and his team avoids confrontation with Vladimir Putin, despite many provocations.
It also provides the latest example, the most urgent, why so many rise to the Supreme Court’s decision on whether Trump’s tax and business records can be submitted to members of the House of Representatives and New York district attorneys. The verdict is expected this week.

This is perhaps the Supreme Court’s most closely monitored decision of this session, with massive implications for the separation of powers and the ability of American voters to make decisions that are fully informed in the November presidential election.

Trump, of course, has violated with decades of precedent in refusing to waive his tax, often making false reasons why he could not do it (among them, that he was subject to what would be the longest tax audit in historical records). The truth is that he has done everything possible to avoid showing his finances to the Americans, with the Department of Justice General Bill Barr now acting like the President’s personal lawyer.
As CNN legal analyst Elie Honig stated, “In total, six different federal courts – three district courts and three appellate court courts – have heard of these cases, and all six have decided against Trump.” In addition, court cases stemming from corruption in the Warren G. Harding administration – known as the Teapot Dome scandal – are likely to immediately applied. Next Law 1924 stated that the Minister of Finance “must provide” tax information as requested by the relevant congressional committee, which was rejected by Trump’s Secretary of Finance Steve Mnuchin, citing “legitimate legislative objectives”.

But there is clear public and legislative interest to find out whether Trump has hidden business dealings with Russia, which might explain his bizarre but persistent reluctance to confront Vladimir Putin on clear matters of US national interests.

Before Trump’s political career, his son Eric repeatedly boasted about being able to cut American Bank – many refuse to do business with the Trump organization – because the company can get all the money needed from Russia. In 2008, his son, Don Jr., told real estate conference “Russia is a disproportionate cross section of many of our assets … we see a lot of money flowing from Russia.” And Reuters reports that 63 Russians are investing almost $ 100 million in the Trump building.
Russia has a famous reputation money laundering and two frequently visited destinations are luxury real estate and casinos – both of which are where the Trump organization has operated in the past.
The bet on Trump's tax return case cannot be higher
This is far from an academic problem. CNN has counted no less than 25 times President Trump has been lenient with Russia – from denying Moscow to meddling in US elections for his benefit, to suggesting it could protect Ukraine’s conquered Crimea province, to undermine Obama-era sanctions, to withdraw US forces from Syria , praising pro-Russian leaders in Europe, for opposing NATO.
In addition, we have seen patterns of administrative officials told not to bring Russia and allegations of electoral interference to the President. Former head of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Neilsen was told not to raise current concerns about the 2020 elections which interfered with Russia’s affairs with the President because he would react badly. That former chief of staff Mick Mulvaney told another senior administration official that it was “not a good subject and must be kept below its level.”
In accordance with the original, when news of Russian gifts erupted, the White House ignored the substance and refused to talk about retaliation against Russia. Instead, as CNN Marshall Cohen points out in a fact-checking analysis of the comments of the White House press secretary: “During his press conference, (Kayleigh) McEnany spent more time criticizing American journalists than condemning Russia for his aggressive actions against US interests, which included the gift of in Afghanistan, interference in elections in 2016, and military action in Syria and Ukraine. ”

“It smells like the WH is trying to mislead the public,” added CNN national security analyst Susan Hennessey about the government’s back pressure. “It is common for different intelligence agents to attach different levels of trust based on the way that underlies intelligence; it is not the same as disagreement about whether something happens.”

Court Observer warning that there is no guarantee that President Trump’s business or tax records will be seen by the public in the near future even if he loses both cases in a court decision. New York District attorney Cy Vance, for example, has issued a subpoena for Trump tax in the context of the Grand Jury investigation and that information will be held tight by the court. But accountability will lead to more transparency than we have ever had in the past on pressing issues that continue to confuse even some of Trump’s allies: why does Trump continue to praise Putin despite constant provocation?

The American people deserve to know the truth about Trump and Russia. And to find out the truth, we must follow the money. The Supreme Court can immediately decide whether truth – or partisan politics – will prevail before the American people go to the polls this November.

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Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.



Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.

Method Media Bermuda will present the documentary FABRIC: Portuguese History in Bermuda on Thursday, December 29 at the Underwater Research Institute of Bermuda.

A spokesperson said: “Method Media is proud to bring Bermuda Fabric: Portugal History to Bermuda for its 5th and 6th showing at the Bermuda Underwater Observatory. In November and December 2019, Cloth: A Portuguese Story in Bermuda had four sold-out screenings. Now that Bermuda has reopened after the pandemic, it’s time to bring the film back for at least two screenings.

“There are tickets For $ 20 – sessions at 15:30 and 18:00. Both screenings will be followed by a short Q&A session.

Director and producer Milton Raboso says, “FABRIC is a definitive account of the Portuguese community in Bermuda and its 151 years of history, but it also places Bermuda, Acors and Portugal in the world history and the events that have fueled those 151 years.

“It took more than 10 years to implement FABRIC. The film was supported by the Minister of Culture, the Government of the Azores and private donors.

Bermuda Media Method [MMB] Created in 2011 by producer Milton Raposo. MMB has created content for a wide range of clients: Bermuda’s new hospital renovation, reinsurance, travel campaigns, international sports and more. MMB pays special attention to artistic, cultural and historical content.

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#History of Bermuda #A photo #Portuguese

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Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.



Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.

Maestro Filipe Cunha, Artistic Director of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Braga, has been invited to conduct the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra, as announced today.

According to a statement sent by O MINHO, “he will be the first Portuguese conductor to conduct this orchestra in its entire history.”

In addition to this orchestra, the maestro will also work with the Lyceo Mozarteum de la Habana Symphony Orchestra.

The concerts will take place on 4 and 12 March 2023 at the National Theater of Cuba in Havana.

In the words of the maestro, quoted in the statement, “these will be very beautiful concerts with difficult but very complex pieces” and therefore he feels “very motivated”.

From the very beginning, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 will be performed by an Italian pianist (Luigi Borzillo), whom the maestro wants to bring to Portugal later this year. In the same concert, Mendelshon’s First Symphony will be performed.

Then, at the second concert, in the company of the Mexican clarinetist Angel Zedillo, he will perform the Louis Sfora Concerto No. 2. In this concert, the maestro also conducts Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony.

“This is an international recognition of my work. An invitation that I accept with humility and great responsibility. I was surprised to learn that I would be the first Portuguese member of the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra. This is a very great honor,” the maestro said in a statement.

“I take with me the name of the city of Braga and Portugal with all the responsibility that goes with it, and I hope to do a good job there, leaving a good image and putting on great concerts. These will be very special concerts because, in addition to performing pieces that I love, especially Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, I will be directing two wonderful soloists who are also my friends. It will be very beautiful,” concludes Filipe Cunha.

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