The group describes voting strategies targeted at religious women, undecided youth, and repentant voters. The headquarters of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), a summit created by the...
Lula and Geraldo Alcmine in Pernambuco: equidistance from PT — Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/Disclosure One of the most visible aspects of the election campaign is the liquefaction...
Political scientist Luis Felipe D’Avila, 58, registered his candidacy for President of the Republic with the TSE (Supreme Electoral Court) tonight. The candidate who will run...
“Meaningful dialogue between all Iraqi parties is more relevant than ever. Recent events have demonstrated the risk of rapid escalation in a tense political environment,” the...
The government of Rio de Janeiro standardized a table to systematize the nomination of electoral telegrams by state and federal candidates for secret positions in Fundação....
In 2018, 49-year-old Soraya Vieira Tronicke used the conservative and anti-corruption wave along with Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to get into the Senate, after only 3 years,...
MC Gonn HD. Photo: Disclosure. A truly peripheral movement that quietly conquered its space and today occupies the top positions of the main national and sometimes...
Book cover photo of the trajectory of Elio Garcia, photo Published by AML This Monday (1st) the book “Hélio Garcia, Mineira’s Art of Doing Politics” will...
The PSOL Federation/Rede Sustentabilidade meeting will take place next Wednesday (3rd) to draw up the preliminary nominations of the parties to Pernambuco. Both parties...
Lookalikes and political sponsorship are common in all elections. It is normal for candidates to support each other in order to be able to split the...