Apple is set to unveil the new iPhone 13. So the Cupertino-based company must speed up its final preparations for the hardware to reach consumers without...
A computer engineer, a truck driver and two other highly educated defendants – four suspects in the rape of two young Spanish women in a hotel...
spanish company Verse entered the Portuguese market following the conclusion of an agreement that provides for the integration of MB WAY services in Portugal in the...
BCP’s profit fell 83.9% to € 12.3 million in the first half of the year compared to the same period last year due to pressure from...
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Judicial battle between Angelina Jolie e Brad Pitt there seems to be no end to guardianship of the five youngest children....
What can every Brazilian citizen do about global warming? Never before has humanity consumed and polluted so quickly. There is a structural problem in the world,...
Eduardo Pedrosa Costa Today at 15:31 Even in his best dreams, Ahmed Hafnawi could not have imagined winning a gold medal at the Olympics when he...
BUT Apple started making a new one iOS 14.7.1, e iPadOS 14.7.1which, as you can see from the version number, is a small update, but deserves...
In a statement late Sunday night, Tunisian President Kais Sayed referred to the constitution to dismiss Prime Minister Heichem Mecici and order the suspension of parliament...
one This is a classic when talking about the obvious ineffectiveness of the Portuguese penitentiary system in combating economic and financial crime, and the slow maneuvers...