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Outbreaks of new corona virus in China make Beijing take ‘wartime’ steps



Top adviser warns China vulnerable to second wave

The Chinese capital reported 36 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total to 79 since a local infectious infection was reported on June 12 for the first time in almost two months, according to the National Health Commission.

The case is linked to the Xinfadi market in the southwest of the city, which supplies most of the capital’s fresh fruit and vegetables. The market, which also sells meat and seafood, has been closed since Saturday.

Plague has spread to the provinces Liaoning and Hebei, where a total of five new cases were found as close contact with patients in Beijing.

The new cluster has sent shock waves across China, with Beijing city government spokesman Xu Hejian describing it as an “extraordinary period” during Sunday’s press conference.

Chinese state media has repeatedly heralded effective Chinese steps in controlling the virus when the number of infections and deaths surged overseas, in contrast to the success of Western governments, especially the United States.

The sudden reappearance of the virus in Beijing, previously thought to be among the safest cities in the country, has increased the prospect of a second wave of infection and the possibility of reintroduction of the type of sweeper lock which previously made most of the country stopped and hammered. the economy.

At a meeting of the State Council, China’s cabinet on Sunday evening, Deputy Prime Minister Sun Chunlan said the risk of spreading the latest outbreak was “very high,” citing a dense market and a very mobile population, according to the state news agency. Xinhua.

“Wartime” actions

Fengtai District, where the Xinfadi market is located, was announced Saturday, the launch of a “wartime mechanism” and the establishment of a command center to curb the spread of the virus.
On social media, Global Times, a nationalist tabloid run by the Chinese government, posted a the video Paramilitary police officers wearing face masks patrol the market after it closes on Saturday.

The authorities imposed closure on 11 housing complexes around the market, strictly forbidding anyone from entering or leaving. Residents will check their temperature and report it daily, and their food and daily needs are sent.

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Beijing also launched mass nucleic acid testing for the corona virus, establishing 193 sample stands throughout the city. More than 76,000 people were tested on Sunday, with 59 people tested positive, Xu said at a press conference on Monday.

The nucleic acid test works by detecting the genetic code of the virus, and can be more effective in detecting infections, especially in the initial stages, than tests that check the immune response, although the latter is easier to do.

Fengtai District has collected samples of 8,950 people who work in the Xinfadi market. So far, more than 6,000 samples have been tested and the results have all been negative, according to Xu.

The authorities also tracked and collected samples of nearly 30,000 people who had gone to the market in the 14 days before closing. All of the 12,000 tests carried out so far have shown negative results, Xu said.

A health worker wearing protective clothing took a wipe test from a woman at a testing center set up for people who visited or lived near the Xinfadi market in Beijing.

The Beijing government has ordered anyone who visits the market and their close contacts to stay at home for two weeks for medical observation. This also delayed the resumption of classes for elementary school students, which were originally scheduled for Monday.

Several local officials, including Fengtai deputy district head, were dismissed after the outbreak.

This outbreak is not the first time the virus has returned. In May, several parts of the country’s northeast were quickly locked tight after an import case caused an outbreak among local people.

However, before the new cluster, Beijing recorded only 420 local infections and 9 deaths compared to more than 80,000 confirmed cases and 4,634 deaths nationwide, thanks to the strict travel restrictions imposed at the start of the pandemic.

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Like most other countries, life in Beijing is returning to normal, with the reopening of businesses and schools, and the crowd returning to shopping centers, restaurants and parks.

As a sign of the Chinese government’s confidence in controlling its outbreak, the country’s parliament even held an annual meeting at the end of May after a two-month delay, which allowed thousands of delegates to travel to Beijing from all over the country and sit side by side for a 10-day meeting.
A woman stands behind a fence while she waits for the shipment of goods she ordered online in a residential area under locking near the closed Xinfadi market in Beijing.

Search for the source

The outbreak in Beijing will be the latest test of China’s corona virus containment strategy.

Hu Xijin, editor in chief of the Global Times, the word on Twitter that Beijing will not be the second Wuhan, the center of the original pandemic where the corona virus was first detected in December last year.
“There is no way for Beijing to become Wuhan 2.0. The world will see China’s strong capacity in controlling the epidemic, including strong government (leadership), respect for science, public willingness to work together and national coordination for control measures. We will win again,” he write in post Monday.

But the Beijing authorities are still trying to trace the source of the latest outbreak, but promised to conduct “the most stringent epidemiological investigation.”

Zhang Yuxi, market leader, told the government-owned Beijing News on Friday that a virus had been detected on the chopping board used by importing salmon sellers in the market, which led to fears of wider contamination. Some supermarket chains have since removed salmon from their shelves, according to the Beijing Daily.

While the investigation is still ongoing, a researcher with the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control the word Genome sequencing indicates that viruses found on the market are similar to strains normally found in Europe.
“But it’s still uncertain how the virus originated. It could come from contaminated seafood or meat, or has been transmitted by people who come to the market through their secretions,” Yang Peng, a researcher, be told The state’s CCTV announcer on Sunday.

Steven Jiang and Shawn Deng from CNN contributed to the reporting.

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Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.



Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.

Method Media Bermuda will present the documentary FABRIC: Portuguese History in Bermuda on Thursday, December 29 at the Underwater Research Institute of Bermuda.

A spokesperson said: “Method Media is proud to bring Bermuda Fabric: Portugal History to Bermuda for its 5th and 6th showing at the Bermuda Underwater Observatory. In November and December 2019, Cloth: A Portuguese Story in Bermuda had four sold-out screenings. Now that Bermuda has reopened after the pandemic, it’s time to bring the film back for at least two screenings.

“There are tickets For $ 20 – sessions at 15:30 and 18:00. Both screenings will be followed by a short Q&A session.

Director and producer Milton Raboso says, “FABRIC is a definitive account of the Portuguese community in Bermuda and its 151 years of history, but it also places Bermuda, Acors and Portugal in the world history and the events that have fueled those 151 years.

“It took more than 10 years to implement FABRIC. The film was supported by the Minister of Culture, the Government of the Azores and private donors.

Bermuda Media Method [MMB] Created in 2011 by producer Milton Raposo. MMB has created content for a wide range of clients: Bermuda’s new hospital renovation, reinsurance, travel campaigns, international sports and more. MMB pays special attention to artistic, cultural and historical content.

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Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.



Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.

Maestro Filipe Cunha, Artistic Director of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Braga, has been invited to conduct the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra, as announced today.

According to a statement sent by O MINHO, “he will be the first Portuguese conductor to conduct this orchestra in its entire history.”

In addition to this orchestra, the maestro will also work with the Lyceo Mozarteum de la Habana Symphony Orchestra.

The concerts will take place on 4 and 12 March 2023 at the National Theater of Cuba in Havana.

In the words of the maestro, quoted in the statement, “these will be very beautiful concerts with difficult but very complex pieces” and therefore he feels “very motivated”.

From the very beginning, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 will be performed by an Italian pianist (Luigi Borzillo), whom the maestro wants to bring to Portugal later this year. In the same concert, Mendelshon’s First Symphony will be performed.

Then, at the second concert, in the company of the Mexican clarinetist Angel Zedillo, he will perform the Louis Sfora Concerto No. 2. In this concert, the maestro also conducts Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony.

“This is an international recognition of my work. An invitation that I accept with humility and great responsibility. I was surprised to learn that I would be the first Portuguese member of the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra. This is a very great honor,” the maestro said in a statement.

“I take with me the name of the city of Braga and Portugal with all the responsibility that goes with it, and I hope to do a good job there, leaving a good image and putting on great concerts. These will be very special concerts because, in addition to performing pieces that I love, especially Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, I will be directing two wonderful soloists who are also my friends. It will be very beautiful,” concludes Filipe Cunha.

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