
Myths and Truths About Climate Change – Current Events



– Climate change is a conspiracy:

Is the climate crisis a conspiracy of scientists to justify their funding, or even a clique of governments to control their citizens?

This will require an organization of unimaginable complexity, coordinated by successive governments of a huge number of countries, with the complicity of a real army of scientists.

He would support tens of thousands of studies analyzed and revised by other scientists, “orchestrated” to achieve an almost unanimous consensus on the reality of human-induced climate change.

On the contrary, research in this area is not only unclassified, but is also demonstrated by a group of experts meeting in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which consists of member countries of the United Nations.

Created in 1988 and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, the commission brings together hundreds of scientists who analyze pro bono current knowledge of climate change using a methodology that is well known.

The latest 3,500-page report was published in August by 234 authors from 66 countries and endorsed by delegates from 195 countries.

– The climate is constantly changing:

On Earth, glacial and warm periods alternated for a long time, with glaciations occurring every ten thousand years. Is the current period of warming just one step in a cycle that lasts for millions of years?

Experts say no, pointing to the rate, magnitude and global scale of the ongoing warming that make it exceptional.

“Since 1970, global temperatures have risen faster than in any 50-year period in the past two thousand years,” the IPCC says, drawing on meteorological records and studies of sediments, glacier samples and other elements.

– It remains to prove that the cause of climate change is human activities:

According to a model by an intergovernmental group that measured various factors contributing to global warming, “there is no doubt that human influence has made the atmosphere, oceans and earth warm,” the report says. Https://www.ipcc .ch / report / sixth-assessment-report-cycle /.

– More heat is not bad:

Climate and its evolution are observed in the long term, while meteorological phenomena have their own mechanisms that occur immediately.

More heat in regions like Siberia will only have disadvantages, as the permanent ice will melt, releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases that are then released into the atmosphere.

– Scientists argue that climate change is a reality:

Some have expressed doubts, but there is general consensus on the reality of global climate change. According to a recent study by Cornell University of North America, more than 99% of the articles on climate change since 2012 in scientific journals agree on what they explain as human actions.

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