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Fox News’ Kristin Fisher grows as’ astro-tot ‘



Fox News' Kristin Fisher grows as' astro-tot '

When the correspondent was based at Fox News’ Washington D.C. Kristin Fisher including the launch of two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station on Elon Musk’s SpaceX Crew Dragon on Wednesday, he will be one above his rival in other networks. Fisher, 36, is the daughter of two astronauts. His mother, Dr. Anna Fisher, now 70 years old “first mother in space” when he is climbing on Discovery in November 1984; Kristin is 14 months old. His father, Dr. Bill Fisher, 74, is now an emergency room doctor in Houston, followed his wife into space in 1985. He made two space trips on his flight, one of which was the longest of its kind at the time. The two astronauts flew into space once on a one-week mission. Anna continued to work for NASA until she retired in 2017. Bill left NASA in 1992 and returned to emergency medicine, which he still practices today. Here Kristin Fisher remembers how it feels to grow into an “astro-tot” Dana Kennedy from The Post.

I take my childhood for granted. I grew up in a neighborhood about five miles from NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Our friends are other astronaut families. That’s exciting – but for me it’s normal.

My mother will wake me up for every space launch. He did a countdown and cheered for each explosion – and my sister and I would roll our eyes.

Now I’m counting down for my 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter Clara during unmanned space launches such as the SpaceX mission which is the precursor of this launch.

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My parents met when they were medical students at UCLA in the mid-1970s. My father saw something in the newspaper about the opening of an astronaut and he took it to my mother and said, “We have to register.” (My father signed up once – when he was 12 years old!)

Both do not have a military background. My mother accepted first. My father was rejected twice by NASA before finally being accepted. He brought one of the rejection letters into space with him in 1985 when he flew on the Discovery STS-51-I shuttle as a mission specialist.

This is one big regret in my life that I am too little to remember when my mother flew a year or two later when my father flew. I have seen so many pictures and there is little memory here and there but that’s it.

One thing that I remember is Challenger accident in 1986. My mother came to school to pick me up. I am 4 years old and I remember him explaining it to me. My parents are friends with the victims. My mother is a first-class female astronaut with Judy Resnik, the second woman in space on a Challenger mission.

My mother was supposed to be on the plane after Challenger. That’s very devastating. It makes a real risk.

Everyone asked all my life if I wanted to be an astronaut. I was fascinated by it but I also wanted to carve my own way apart from my parents. I am very interested in television. Integrating public performance and doing services appeal to me. At one point in the fourth grade, my teacher turned our classroom into a newsroom and I was captivated.

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Kristin Fisher with her parents, astronaut Dr. Bill Fisher and Dr. Anna Fisher.

For news Sunday - HANDOUT pictures for Kristin Fisher's story

Kristin and Bill Fisher


For Sunday news - pictures for Kristin Fisher's story

Kristin and Bill Fisher


For Sunday news - pictures for Kristin Fisher's story

For Sunday news - images for Kristin Fisher's story

Kristin and Bill Fisher


Astronaut William Fisher repaired the Leasat satellite which was not active during the Discovery VI mission.

Dr. Bill Fisher

LIFE Image Collection via Getty Images

Portrait of Prospective Astronauts

A group portrait, from left, astronaut candidates Rhea Seddon, Sally Ride, Kathryn Sullivan, Shannon Lucid, Anna Lee Fisher, and Judith Resnik at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, in 1979.

NASA / Temporary Archives / Getty Images


Charlamagne tha Allah replied to Vice President Biden after …

Also, my parents and younger sister are rather geniuses. I’m smart but not at their math and science level. My strength is always in writing and in English.

I love accompany the president as a reporter on a secret trip to Afghanistan last year. I got a call right before Thanksgiving and I couldn’t really tell anyone that. My mother came for vacation but she didn’t pay attention when I told her that I had to leave. That is the coolest task of my career. My father said, “That may be your space.”

One of the reasons given for pushing humans into space is because of concerns about what will happen to the human species if something terrible happens on Planet Earth. So the fact that this launch occurred during the pandemic, I think, is very fitting.

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Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.



Portuguese historical films will premiere on 29 December.

Method Media Bermuda will present the documentary FABRIC: Portuguese History in Bermuda on Thursday, December 29 at the Underwater Research Institute of Bermuda.

A spokesperson said: “Method Media is proud to bring Bermuda Fabric: Portugal History to Bermuda for its 5th and 6th showing at the Bermuda Underwater Observatory. In November and December 2019, Cloth: A Portuguese Story in Bermuda had four sold-out screenings. Now that Bermuda has reopened after the pandemic, it’s time to bring the film back for at least two screenings.

“There are tickets For $ 20 – sessions at 15:30 and 18:00. Both screenings will be followed by a short Q&A session.

Director and producer Milton Raboso says, “FABRIC is a definitive account of the Portuguese community in Bermuda and its 151 years of history, but it also places Bermuda, Acors and Portugal in the world history and the events that have fueled those 151 years.

“It took more than 10 years to implement FABRIC. The film was supported by the Minister of Culture, the Government of the Azores and private donors.

Bermuda Media Method [MMB] Created in 2011 by producer Milton Raposo. MMB has created content for a wide range of clients: Bermuda’s new hospital renovation, reinsurance, travel campaigns, international sports and more. MMB pays special attention to artistic, cultural and historical content.

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#History of Bermuda #A photo #Portuguese

Model: Everybody, Entertainment, Movies/Movies, History, News

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Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.



Maestro de Braga is the first Portuguese in the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba.

Maestro Filipe Cunha, Artistic Director of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Braga, has been invited to conduct the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra, as announced today.

According to a statement sent by O MINHO, “he will be the first Portuguese conductor to conduct this orchestra in its entire history.”

In addition to this orchestra, the maestro will also work with the Lyceo Mozarteum de la Habana Symphony Orchestra.

The concerts will take place on 4 and 12 March 2023 at the National Theater of Cuba in Havana.

In the words of the maestro, quoted in the statement, “these will be very beautiful concerts with difficult but very complex pieces” and therefore he feels “very motivated”.

From the very beginning, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 will be performed by an Italian pianist (Luigi Borzillo), whom the maestro wants to bring to Portugal later this year. In the same concert, Mendelshon’s First Symphony will be performed.

Then, at the second concert, in the company of the Mexican clarinetist Angel Zedillo, he will perform the Louis Sfora Concerto No. 2. In this concert, the maestro also conducts Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony.

“This is an international recognition of my work. An invitation that I accept with humility and great responsibility. I was surprised to learn that I would be the first Portuguese member of the Cuban National Symphony Orchestra. This is a very great honor,” the maestro said in a statement.

“I take with me the name of the city of Braga and Portugal with all the responsibility that goes with it, and I hope to do a good job there, leaving a good image and putting on great concerts. These will be very special concerts because, in addition to performing pieces that I love, especially Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, I will be directing two wonderful soloists who are also my friends. It will be very beautiful,” concludes Filipe Cunha.

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