The fourth episode of “Mascara” aired on SIC this Saturday. A public figure hiding behind Oragotang’s disguise was revealed. The fourth episode of “Mascara” brought another...
Ana Garcia Martins, better known as “A Pipoca Mais Doce”, has experienced a year of deep transformation in her love life, separation from her ex-husband and...
Conor Clapton was four years old when, as a result of a tragic accident, he fell from the window of his family home in New York...
This is something of a Christmas present from the Dukes of Sussex for many fans: Harry and Meghan have not only revamped the image of little...
All signs are different and have their own characteristics. But some have certain characteristics. Here are the most persistent and persistent signs. The term astrology comes...
Joana Albuquerque, former Big Brother rival, used social media to uncover alleged aggression from players from Alverca, the emblem of League 3. A situation that happened...
Although some traditions have changed due to the pandemic and a particularly challenging year for the British royal family, Queen Elizabeth II decided to keep broadcasting...
00:26 Alverki player says he was “hit in private places” Alverca footballer Felipe Ryan this Thursday responded to former Big Brother rival Joana Albuquerque, who accused...
* OS RESUMOS DOS EPISÓDIOS ESTÃO SUJEITOS A MUDANÇAS EM FUNÇÃO DA EDIÇÃO DA NOVELA Aida está no hospital e recebe uma chamada de Tomás. Rosalinda...
James Franco first spoke about the sexual assault allegations he was targeted in 2019 with two students from his former acting school, Studio 4, which opened...