Princess Charlene of Monaco shared further details about her illness and recovery, noting that while she “cannot be forcibly cured,” she expects to leave South Africa...
DAfter the scandalous statements about the Catholic Church, Jose Carlos Malato once again shared new views, this time about aging and the role of television. “There...
SELFIE shows you how Brazilian actor Fabio Jr. is doing 29 years after the first screening of the soap opera Pedra Sobre Pedra. A strange phenomenon...
In social networks, TV presenter Maria Botelho Moniz shared an emotional text that did not leave her subscribers indifferent. Last Friday 30th was especially emotional since...
If there was someone who very badly coped with the situation in which Rogerio Zamora found himself, then it is his longtime friend and many partners...
BUTAlbert Dirlund, a popular Danish YouTube and Instagram star with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, died after falling nearly 200 meters in the Italian Alps while...
Last May, former baseball player Alex Rodriguez (known worldwide for dating singer and actress Jennifer Lopez) surprised the audience by announcing his first makeup product, The...
Recording for the fifth season of The Crown has already begun, and Netflix released this Friday, July 30, the first official portrayal of the future Queen...
It is known that WWE recently abandoned ThunderDomegoing back to touring and live fan events. However, cases of COVID-19 in the United States of America are...
Daniel Brian’s possible visits and CM Punk To AEW mess with the world Struggleand, as expected, more than the reaction of fans, many are waiting to...