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Coronavirus: fears over Boris Johnson’s testing plans



Coronavirus: fears over Boris Johnson's testing plans

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PA Media

Scientists and healthcare professionals have questioned Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s “presumptuous” plan to mass test for coronavirus in the UK.

The prime minister hopes that millions of tests for Covid-19, including some that produce results in minutes, can be processed daily.

But experts say there are problems with laboratory capacity to conduct ongoing tests, and the technology for faster tests “doesn’t exist yet.”

BMJ says it has seen leaked notes that the plan could be worth £ 100bn.

Speaking after his announcement, gatherings in England will be limited to six people from MondayJohnson said the government is “working to” increase the testing capacity of 500,000 tests per day by the end of October.

And he said that “in the near future” he wanted to start using testing “to identify people who test negative – who do not have coronavirus and who are not contagious – so that we can allow them to behave in a more normal way, in the knowledge that they are not can infect anyone. “

Johnson added: “We believe there will be new test types that are simple, fast and scalable. They use swabs or saliva and can change results in 90 or even 20 minutes.

“The important thing is that it should be possible to deploy these tests on a much larger scale than any other country has achieved – literally millions of tests are processed every day.”

Johnson said the mass testing program could be ready by the spring and could help the UK avoid a second national isolation.

But Dr. Chaand Nagpole, chairman of the board of the British Medical Association, said it was unclear how the so-called Operation Homing Missile would work – given the “huge problems” currently being seen with laboratory capabilities.

“Failed” strategy

Currently, 150,000 to 200,000 tests are processed every day – but the testing capacity is reported to be 350,000 per day. This includes antibody tests and tests used to assess the spread of the virus.

Earlier this week, Director of the Government Testing and Tracking Program in England. made a “heartfelt” apology for problems with the testing systemexplaining that the laboratories, and not the test centers themselves, were the “tipping point”.

Dr. Nagpole added that the idea of ​​opening a society based on people with negative virus tests should be “approached with caution” due to the high rate of “false negatives” and the potential to miss out on those who incubate the virus.

Dr. David Strain, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Practice at the University of Exeter and Chair of the BMA’s Medical Academic Staff, expressed concern about the technology under discussion.

“The mass testing strategy is fundamentally flawed because it is based on technology that does not yet exist,” he said.

“The prime minister’s proposal that it would be as easy as ‘getting a pregnancy test’ that will give results in 15 minutes is unlikely, if not impossible, in the time frame he proposed to get the country back on track. channel “.

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Media headlineThe prime minister said the new measures “are not yet another national quarantine.”

England’s deputy chief physician said the success of the Moonshot operation depends on how it is handled.

Dr. Jenny Harris told ITV’s Robert Peston, “There are several different tests technically available. The difficulty is to try to evaluate all of them and work them out in the program.

“We really want to get back to as normal as possible, and any opportunity to do it with a new testing program or using a different testing technology is definitely a good thing to follow, but it’s not as easy as doing it.

“So I think we need to work on a test and a way to run and use it.”

The UK has plans to eventually run up to 10 million Covid-19 tests a day by early next year – worth over £ 100 billion, which is close to NHS England’s total annual budget. according to the BMJ.

Next month, the new rapid tests will be piloted in classrooms at indoor and outdoor locations in Salford.

The government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said the technology needed to be “rigorously tested” and it would be “completely wrong to assume this is a successful dunk.”

Plans for mass testing are coming true as Mr Johnson said the UK “must act” to avoid new isolation as cases of the virus rise in England.

He established a new Rule of Six limiting meetings to six peopleenforced by the police, which may impose fines or make arrests after the UK reported more than 2,000 new cases of coronavirus for the fourth straight day.

Mr. Johnson said the rules “became quite complex and confusing” and the government “simplified and strengthened” them following police and public feedback.

But Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said the new assembly rules reflect that “poor communication was a big part of the problem” with the spread of the virus.

The new Rule of Six means:

  • Public gatherings of more than six people in England will be prohibited by law from Monday 14 September.
  • The new rule applies to people in private homes, indoors and outdoors, as well as in places such as pubs, restaurants, cafes and open public places.
  • This applies to all ages
  • The rule does not apply to schools and workplaces, people living together or in the same support bubble, weddings, funerals, and organized team sports.
  • The full list of exclusions also includes protests and political activities subject to “rigorous risk assessment”, jury services and emergency assistance.
  • People who ignore the police can be fined £ 100 – doubling with each offense to a maximum of £ 3200.

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The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario



The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario

Yesterday, financial agents evaluated the opposite decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) regarding the so-called secret budget. In addition, a decision was made by STF Minister Gilmar Méndez to issue an injunction that would exclude the Bolsa Família from the spending cap rule, with investors trying to understand how this measure would affect the processing of the transitional PEC in the Chamber of Deputies. Oh this PEC!!!!

Since he is an exchange investor, any reading that the budget will be exceeded or become more flexible will negatively affect the exchange market, whether through the PEC or in any other way. We will continue with volatility today.

Looking beyond, the US Central Bank (Fed), although slowing down the pace of monetary tightening at its December meeting, issued a tougher-than-expected statement warning that its fight against inflation was not yet over, raising fears that rising US interest rates will push the world’s largest economy into recession.

The currency market continues to react to political news. The voting on the PEC is saved for today. It is expected that it will indeed be reviewed to open the way tomorrow for discussions on the 2023 budget.

Yesterday, the spot price closed the selling day at R$5.3103.

For today on the calendar we will have an index of consumer confidence in the eurozone. Good luck and good luck in business!!

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Andrés Sánchez consults with the Ministry of Sports, but refuses a political post.



The former president of the Corinthians dreams of working for the CBF as a national team coordinator. He was consulted shortly after Lula’s election.

Former Corinthians president Andrés Sánchez was advised to take a position in the Ministry of Sports under the administration of Lula (PT). However, he ruled out a return to politics. dreams of taking over the coordination of CBF selectionHow do you know PURPOSE.

No formal invitation was made to the former Corinthian representative, only a consultation on a portfolio opportunity with the new federal government, which will be sworn in on January 1, 2023.

Andrés was the Federal MP for São Paulo from 2015 to 2019. At that time he was elected by the Workers’ Party. However, the football manager begs to stay in the sport, ruling out the possibility of getting involved in politics again.

Andrés Sanchez’s desire is to fill the position of CBF tackle coordinator, which should become vacant after the 2022 World Cup. Juninho Paulista fulfills this function in Brazil’s top football institution.

The former president of Corinthians was in Qatar to follow the World Cup along with other figures in Brazilian football. During his time in the country, he strengthened his ties with the top leadership of the CBF.

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The EU has reached a political agreement on limiting gas prices – 19.12.2022



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BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 19 (ANSA). European Union countries reached a political agreement on Monday (19) to impose a natural gas price ceiling of 180 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). The main sources of income for Russia and the minimization of the use of energy as a weapon by the regime of Vladimir Putin.

The agreement was approved by a supermajority at a ministerial meeting of member states in Brussels, Belgium, after months of discussions about the best way to contain the rise in natural gas prices in the bloc caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. .

The value set by the countries is well below the proposal made by the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, in November: 275 EUR/MWh. However, the countries leading the cap campaign were in favor of an even lower limit, around 100 EUR/MWh.

Germany, always wary of price controls, voted in favor of 180 euros, while Austria and the Netherlands, also skeptical of the cap, abstained. Hungary, the most pro-Russian country in the EU, voted against.

The instrument will enter into force on 15 February, but only if natural gas prices on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange exceed 180 euros/MWh for three consecutive days. In addition, the difference compared to a number of global benchmarks should be more than 35 euros.

Italy, the EU’s biggest supporter of the ceiling, has claimed responsibility for the measure. “This is a victory for Italy, which believed and worked for us to reach this agreement,” Environment and Energy Minister Gilberto Picetto tweeted.

“This is a victory for Italian and European citizens who demand energy security,” he added.

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Currently, the gas price in Amsterdam is around 110 EUR/MWh, which is already a reflection of the agreement in Brussels – in August the figure even broke the barrier of 340 EUR/MWh.

However, Russia has already threatened to stop exports to countries that adhere to the ceiling. (ANSA).

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