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Charles III must be a more politicized and gentle king than Elizabeth II; read article



Charles III must be a more politicized and gentle king than Elizabeth II;  read article

LONDON. What kind of king will he be? Charles III? In his long-awaited first speech on Friday, he paid tribute to his mother, the Queen. Elizabeth IIe reiterated her vow to devote her entire life to public service and to the United Kingdom.

But Charles has an opinion and expresses it. At 73, he may no longer be able to ignore them. The heir promoted his views all his life. To do this, he created princely think tanks, foundations and trusts to promote “comprehensive solutions to the problems facing the world today.”

Charles admitted that as king he would have to express his views less openly and often, but his biographers do not consider this quite possible. Once critics thought Charles was crazy for admitting to talking to trees, Charles has the right profile for 2022.

He was the star of last year’s COP-26 climate summit in Glasgow. When the issue of climate change is on the agenda, he believes that the planet is going to hell while world governments are trying to solve this problem.

Charles could have been an environmentalist warrior king in a suit from traditional Savile Row tailors. “He will be a different monarch. Charles is a deep thinker, a romantic, a sentimentalist,” said Robert Hardman, royal biographer and author of the book. Queen of our time.

Political neutrality is often understood as essential to the monarchy and its survival in modern times. But in Robert Jobson’s 2018 biography King Charles: man, monarch and the future of Britainthe author describes a person who may very much want to “lead like a monarch rather than just follow”.

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From right to left: King Charles III, Camilla, the Queen Consort and Prince William during the Accession Council at St James’s Palace in London, Saturday 10 September 2022, at which King Charles III is formally proclaimed monarch. (Victoria Jones / poolside photo via AP)

Queen? To be honest, it was hard to define. We could all see that Elizabeth loved horses and sober shoes, dogs and handbags, the Anglican Church, deer hunting, driving her Land Rover, Prince Philip, tradition, duty, and her often unstable, sometimes dysfunctional tabloid-followed family. coating.

But what did she really think about the main issues of her time during her 70-year reign? Apartheid? Feminism? Brexit? The queen firmly believed that the monarch should not interfere in politics. Thus, in most cases, royal watchers had to resort to interpreting their teas to guess their position.

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And yet the British loved her. Even many people who disliked the monarchy as an institution were in love with the Queen.

Researchers say that many Britons do not like Charles, although they do not strongly dislike him. While some still hold grudges, many seem to have given him another chance, more than 25 years later, after his role in his disastrous marriage to Princess Diana ended in tragedy. He was an adulterer. But he was also head over heels in love – with Camille, as it turned out later. She is now the queen consort.

TOPSHOT.  King Charles III (left) greets British Prime Minister Liz Truss (right) during their first meeting at Buckingham Palace in London on September 9, 2022.  recognizable by billions of people around the world, died in her retreat in Scotland on 8 September.  (Photo by Yui Mok/POOL/AFP)
TOPSHOT. King Charles III (left) greets British Prime Minister Liz Truss (right) during their first meeting at Buckingham Palace in London on September 9, 2022. recognizable by billions of people around the world, died in her retreat in Scotland on 8 September. (Photo by Yui Mok/POOL/AFP) A photo: YUI IOC / AFP

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Episodes of the popular TV series The Crown depicted him as a cold, cruel man who is uneasy. But for those who know him intimately, Charles is quite a warm person.

“Her staff always says that her investiture always takes a lot longer than the Queen’s because she’s so good at holding a couple of words and shaking hands and then voila, voila,” Hardman said. Washington Post. “While Charles will most likely start talking and say, ‘Oh, you’re a sheep farmer. What kind of sheep do you raise? It’s just a different approach.”

In public, he can be awkward. Tone off. Like when he boasted that his eco-friendly Aston Martin sports car was powered by wine and cheese.

He has held some quirky and strangely specific positions over the years, but he also has big ideas about climate change, the urban plague, organic farming, and the dehumanizing nature of modern architecture.

In the 2018 BBC documentary Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70, the future king is asked about allegations of meddling in public affairs.

He replies, “Really? Don’t tell me.” He explains, “I’ve always wondered what an invasion is, I mean, I’ve always thought it was motivating. But I’ve always wondered if it’s obsessive to worry about provincial towns like I did 40 years ago , and what is happening there or not happening, in what conditions people live.

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He then says, “If this is interference, I’m very proud of it.”

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“I’m not that stupid”

Quoting Shakespeare and recounting how the young Prince Hal grew up to become Henry V, he tells the documentarians: “I can’t do what I did as an heir, so of course you are operating within constitutional parameters. “

Asked about concerns that his participation would continue in the same vein, Charles said: “No, it won’t. I’m not that stupid, I understand that this is a separate exercise, to be sovereign.

The interview itself is another point of contrast with his mother. Queen Elizabeth II never gave an interview to the press in her life, although she lived at a time when the British press revered the monarch. Charles worked hours at the BBC despite the media hype and the worst of the worst tabloids of the 1990s.

The queen firmly believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. She was a religious figure, as “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Ruler of the Church of England”. Jesus was frequently mentioned in his Christmas messages.

Charles is more spiritual than pious. He believes that we have fallen from grace, from the more traditional, natural state of Eden, by succumbing too much to mechanistic, technological and modernist thinking.

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In his 2010 book Harmony, a 336-page exposition of his royal philosophy, Charles denounces how the Age of Comfort gave birth to the Age of Separation.

For Charles, God can be understood in the repeating mathematical pattern of flower petals.

Charity and enduring causes

The Queen had many charitable organizations, as did Charles. But he went much further, using it to express his worldview.

As Duke of Cornwall and Superintendent of the Duchy of Cornwall, he was responsible for 129,600 acres of land in 20 counties in the southwest of England, emphasizing “sustainable development”, one of his favorite words, none of which the Queen has so flirted with.

To promote his ideas of traditional architecture on what he calls “human scale,” Charles created—from scratch—an experimental community of 6,000 residents and 180 businesses called Poundbury, with low-rise buildings, front gardens, and limited car use. , projected on the “new urbanism”, which the king called his “vision of the United Kingdom”.

The Prince’s Trust has also helped 1 million young people in Bryan and across the Commonwealth with free courses, scholarships and mentorship opportunities over four decades.

Charles has funds and donors, and this has caused several minor scandals, such as reports of cash donations from the former Prime Minister of Qatar, which were delivered in a suitcase and a shopping bag. The Charity Commission declined to investigate. Charles said that all donations were legally declared and accounted for.

simple monarchy

Charles has said he will return to live at Buckingham Palace in central London, a building his mother has largely abandoned since the pandemic. But the new king also says he wants to destroy the monarchy, put it on the foundations of the 21st century.

One of the Queen’s latest headaches has been what to do about Prince Andrew, who has been largely banned from public life after settling a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims she was sold to him by convicted sex offenders Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Charles seemed to agree with his mother.

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What King Charles will do with his son Prince Harry remains an open question. Will he try to bring Harry and his wife Meghan back to the royal court after they left their royal duties, moved to California and reported their grievances to American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey? Or will you keep them away? Some signs of your intentions may appear in the coming days.

Already on the first day there were signs of change. On Friday, the new king greeted mourners at Buckingham Palace and held out his hand to greet them one by one until a woman leaned in to kiss them – before no one was supposed to touch the queen.

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The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario



The dollar continues to reflect the political scenario

Yesterday, financial agents evaluated the opposite decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) regarding the so-called secret budget. In addition, a decision was made by STF Minister Gilmar Méndez to issue an injunction that would exclude the Bolsa Família from the spending cap rule, with investors trying to understand how this measure would affect the processing of the transitional PEC in the Chamber of Deputies. Oh this PEC!!!!

Since he is an exchange investor, any reading that the budget will be exceeded or become more flexible will negatively affect the exchange market, whether through the PEC or in any other way. We will continue with volatility today.

Looking beyond, the US Central Bank (Fed), although slowing down the pace of monetary tightening at its December meeting, issued a tougher-than-expected statement warning that its fight against inflation was not yet over, raising fears that rising US interest rates will push the world’s largest economy into recession.

The currency market continues to react to political news. The voting on the PEC is saved for today. It is expected that it will indeed be reviewed to open the way tomorrow for discussions on the 2023 budget.

Yesterday, the spot price closed the selling day at R$5.3103.

For today on the calendar we will have an index of consumer confidence in the eurozone. Good luck and good luck in business!!

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Andrés Sánchez consults with the Ministry of Sports, but refuses a political post.



The former president of the Corinthians dreams of working for the CBF as a national team coordinator. He was consulted shortly after Lula’s election.

Former Corinthians president Andrés Sánchez was advised to take a position in the Ministry of Sports under the administration of Lula (PT). However, he ruled out a return to politics. dreams of taking over the coordination of CBF selectionHow do you know PURPOSE.

No formal invitation was made to the former Corinthian representative, only a consultation on a portfolio opportunity with the new federal government, which will be sworn in on January 1, 2023.

Andrés was the Federal MP for São Paulo from 2015 to 2019. At that time he was elected by the Workers’ Party. However, the football manager begs to stay in the sport, ruling out the possibility of getting involved in politics again.

Andrés Sanchez’s desire is to fill the position of CBF tackle coordinator, which should become vacant after the 2022 World Cup. Juninho Paulista fulfills this function in Brazil’s top football institution.

The former president of Corinthians was in Qatar to follow the World Cup along with other figures in Brazilian football. During his time in the country, he strengthened his ties with the top leadership of the CBF.

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The EU has reached a political agreement on limiting gas prices – 19.12.2022



Germany sentenced Russian to life imprisonment for political murder by order of Moscow - 12/15/2021
BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 19 (ANSA). European Union countries reached a political agreement on Monday (19) to impose a natural gas price ceiling of 180 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). The main sources of income for Russia and the minimization of the use of energy as a weapon by the regime of Vladimir Putin.

The agreement was approved by a supermajority at a ministerial meeting of member states in Brussels, Belgium, after months of discussions about the best way to contain the rise in natural gas prices in the bloc caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. .

The value set by the countries is well below the proposal made by the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, in November: 275 EUR/MWh. However, the countries leading the cap campaign were in favor of an even lower limit, around 100 EUR/MWh.

Germany, always wary of price controls, voted in favor of 180 euros, while Austria and the Netherlands, also skeptical of the cap, abstained. Hungary, the most pro-Russian country in the EU, voted against.

The instrument will enter into force on 15 February, but only if natural gas prices on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange exceed 180 euros/MWh for three consecutive days. In addition, the difference compared to a number of global benchmarks should be more than 35 euros.

Italy, the EU’s biggest supporter of the ceiling, has claimed responsibility for the measure. “This is a victory for Italy, which believed and worked for us to reach this agreement,” Environment and Energy Minister Gilberto Picetto tweeted.

“This is a victory for Italian and European citizens who demand energy security,” he added.

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Currently, the gas price in Amsterdam is around 110 EUR/MWh, which is already a reflection of the agreement in Brussels – in August the figure even broke the barrier of 340 EUR/MWh.

However, Russia has already threatened to stop exports to countries that adhere to the ceiling. (ANSA).

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