
Windows 11 will be “the best Windows for gaming”



“Windows 11” was introduced to us as “the best Windows for gaming” and brought with it some exciting new features.

Windows 11 revolutionized PC gaming in many ways. The new operating system will replace Windows 10 (obviously) and will bring with it a lot of cool features, including native support for Xbox Game Pass, auto-HDR, and an API for Microsoft DirectStorage. In truth, with this new operating system introduced so recently, there is a lot to wait for. However, according to Sarah Bond, vice president of the company, in the areas of ecosystem and creation of the experience, “Windows 11” will be “the best Windows for gaming.”

Xbox Game Pass Integration

First, the Xbox app will be preinstalled on all systems with the latest OS. As part of the program, you can play your favorite Xbox games right from your PC. In addition, users Xbox Game Pass Ultimate now you can also enjoy Xbox Cloud Gaming (service cloud streaming from company). This integration will allow you to “play games with greater fidelity on all PCs,” says Bond. While gamers can already use Xbox Cloud Gaming, this service is only available through internet browsers, which won’t give you the best experience possible.

API for Microsoft DirectStorage

Do you own an Xbox Series X? If so, you may have already noticed its extremely fast loading times. There are several reasons for this. First, the consoles use NVMe SSD, which is faster than a mechanical hard drive (and even some SATA SSDs). Second, both use the Microsoft DirectStorage API technology, which uses the GPU to process and load data. PCs with an NVMe PCIe 4.0 solid state drive and an appropriate graphics card can benefit from this feature, especially since the DirectStorage API will be integrated into Windows 11.

@ Microsoft


Gamers with an HDR monitor will automatically enjoy images with much richer colors. On Windows 11, as long as you play the right games and have the right hardware, HDR will be turned on by default. In addition, the game you plan to play will also need to natively support HDR.

All of the features mentioned are great and very interesting, especially if you have the right hardware to use them. Another good thing is that Windows 11 will be free if you already have a copy of the licensed Windows 10.

What do you think of the new version of Windows? Are the new additions meeting your expectations?

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