
Windows 11: How to activate the secret hidden in themes



The latest Windows 11 2022 update is out with many new features. However, we have things like folders in the start menu, tabs in File Explorer, and drag and drop on the taskbar. This is just to mention a few things. However, apart from all the news that we officially know, there is always one or the other that slips away unnoticed. Having said that, we are going to explain to you how to activate the secret hidden in Windows 11 themes.

Windows 11: How to activate the secret hidden in themes

One such addition introduced with the Windows 11 2022 update was the inclusion of a set of new desktop themes that were originally designed for students using Windows 11 SE. These themes include colorful and abstract planetary wallpapers that fit very well with the design and aesthetic of Windows 11.

The good news is that these themes can be activated on any Windows 11 PC, be it Windows 11 Home, Windows 11 Pro, or even Windows 11 Enterprise. So, if you want new themes to appear, you will only need to use the Windows Registry.

Use the key combination Windows + R to bring up the launch window. Then write regedit and press Enter.

Then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\current\device.

Then right click on the device folder and select the new key.

Name the new key Education.

In this Education section, right-click and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name this key EnableEduThemes and set the value to 1.

Then restart your computer.

However, after completing these steps, the download of additional themes will start automatically in the background. However, you will have to wait a while for the process to complete.

Once they are installed, simply apply them in the usual way through the settings.

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