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Who were “Luciano das ratas” and “man-ape Avelozu”? Fatima Mariano brings forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present – News



Who were "Luciano das ratas" and "man-ape Avelozu"?  Fatima Mariano brings forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present - News

“Glutton of Almada”, “Luciano das ratas”, “giant of Farelos”, “king of rubbish”, the historian Fatima Mariano dedicates a chapter of his new book to all these eccentric and bizarre figures in our history. Finally, there are ten talks interspersed with other short stories that the MA and PhD in Modern History recall in a work she recently presented at national exhibitions.

Great eccentric figures in Portuguese history (Edition Contraponto), originates in a previous title by the same author as a result of the interest shown by readers in the figure of Dorothea Ivo, a young woman from the Algarve with alleged x-ray vision. The motto for Fatima Mariano to cope with the task of discovering many other real stories of characters from the past (including recent ones) that stood out for their exceptional characteristics.

These are narratives that, in the light of modernity, do not leave us indifferent. Some of these men, women and children have earned public exposure at exhibitions. The author clarifies this fact: “what is considered eccentric in a certain historical period and / or in a certain culture may be considered normal in another time and place.” For Fatima Mariano, “the change in how society at large and the press itself is beginning to criticize this form of human exploitation is notorious.” Common to all stories is the fact that the historian looks for traces of overcoming, courage, solidarity, compassion in the figures that she presents to us.

Fatima Mariano brings forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present. What prompted you to write this book?

The idea came about after the story of Dorothea Ivo, a woman with X-ray vision, was published in my previous book. Great mysteries of Portuguese history. It was she who inspired José Saramago to create the character Blimunda from Monastery memorial. This story aroused great interest among readers. Dorothea Ivo had the ability to see inside the body (humans and animals) and the earth, which at the time could be considered witchcraft, but the Inquisition never bothered her. During my research, I came across other Portuguese who, because of their unusual physical, psychological or behavioral characteristics or unusual profession, were the object of public curiosity and some were exhibited at fairs and concert halls.

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In writing this book, have you taken into account the fact that some of the stories it tells are shocking when viewed from today’s perspective?

In the light of current values, yes, it is shocking that there were people who, because of their physical disabilities, were exhibited to satisfy public curiosity, sometimes in childhood. However, it is important to look at the past in the context of time. This was not unique to Portugal. The stories are presented in chronological order, and the change in how society at large and the press itself begins to criticize this form of human exploitation is notorious.

As already mentioned, in Portugal, in the past, these people with some form of disability were publicly represented. When these presentations are over?

There were public performances, yes, even in the second half of the 20th century. In concert halls, fairs, etc., not only for the Portuguese, but also for foreigners, such as the “fat boys” Matheus and Ana, two overweight Italian brothers. He weighed 201 kg at the age of 11, and she weighed 129 kg at the age of nine. They were introduced in Portugal. I don’t know when these shows ended.

Continuing from the previous question, were there any companies/entrepreneurs that promoted this type of show?

In some cases these were foreign businessmen; in others, as in the case of Feliciano da Assumpsão, “Albardo’s monster”, they were family acquaintances who saw his public appearances as a business opportunity.

Were you particularly touched by any of the stories you told us?

They all touched me in their own way. Some because of the suffering associated with it, as in the case of people with disabilities who were publicly exposed, or Albano Jesús Beirao, the “monkey man of Avelozu” who was violent when he was attacked by strange attacks, and who, when he returned to his normal state, he felt guilty and suffered for his behavior. Others are for caricature of situations, as in the case of the “glutton of Almada”, who ate an absurd amount of food, or Luciano Moreira, who became famous as a skilled rat hunter in the sewers of Lisbon. But these stories have another side – overcoming, despite obstacles, solidarity and compassion.

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Take in your book the stories of men-women and women-men. In short, can you explain to us what these characters were?

These are cases of pseudohermaphrodites, people in whom the external genitalia have not fully developed and therefore have given rise to the so-called “sexual bugs”. One of the cases presented is that of Inés dos Anjos, who, after seeing doctors in the 1920s, concluded that it was a man and not a woman. She underwent surgery and changed her name to Inacio.

He mentions her in his book as one of “the most charismatic figures of Lisbon at the beginning of the 20th century”. What was so special about Luciano Moreira that he was even a protégé of D. Carlos I?

Luciano Moreira, nicknamed “Luciano das ratas”, became known as an accomplished rat hunter in the early 20th century. Because of the bubonic plague, the civil government of Lisbon decided to pay a certain amount for every dozen killed rats, which were the main carriers of the disease. Knowing that these animals live mostly underground, Luciano Moreira, an unemployed bricklayer, asked the city council for permission to walk through the city’s sewers. This turned out to be his main profession for about six years, albeit with some interruptions. In addition to hunting mice, he also found stolen or lost items, found gas and water leaks, and pursued suspected crimes. On one occasion, he presented the portrait to D. Carlos I, who highly appreciated his gesture and eventually rewarded him with five thousand reais and included him in his list of protected citizens. Luciano Moreira rendered a real public service to the city of Lisbon, but died in poverty. His funeral was paid for by the newspaper. Century.

There is a figure in your book who is impressive in his longevity (he died at the age of 92) despite the hectic life he led. This is Albano Beiran, “the ape-man of Avelozu.” Why was he so called?

Newspaper nicknamed Albano de Jesus Beiran Century for being the victim of mysterious attacks that transformed him. During attacks that could last minutes or hours, he squealed like a beast, ran on all fours, climbed buildings and monuments, and jumped as if he had springs in his legs. There were always crowds around him, and injuries were sometimes reported. When he returned to normal, he did not remember anything. He even went to newsrooms to ask journalists to tell people not to gather around him when he had a seizure because he didn’t want to offend anyone. At the initiative of the government, doctors of various nationalities examined him, and the most unanimous opinion was that he would suffer from nervous epilepsy and lycanthropy. The attacks lasted about 47 years. Because of his illness, he was never able to keep a job. He survived thanks to a state pension and charity. He lived a life of great suffering.

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Some of the figures he presents in his book were internationally famous, such as Joao Baptista dos Santos. Who was the “human tripod”?

The doctor nicknamed Juan Baptista dos Santos because he has three legs, four feet, two penises and two anuses, one of which has no holes. This aroused natural public and scientific curiosity. Your case was studied by doctors of different nationalities. He lived for about 30 years and died in England. He was a shoemaker, also exhibited to the public in Portugal and abroad, loved to ride horses, married, had children. This is one case of overcoming because he didn’t let his physical condition get in the way of him living the life he wanted.

journalist To express, Rui Ochoa, wrote the following in 2009: “a target of the same curiosity as always, and a victim of the same interests that made him painfully navigate the world.” He was referring to Gabriel Estevan Monjanet, “The Giant of Manjacase.” It is a sad story…

Yes it’s true. At 2.45 meters, Gabriel Estevan Monjanet was considered the tallest man in the world in 1988. Guinness Book of Records. This physical condition caused him serious health problems and he had to undergo several surgeries. He toured almost all over the world for several years, and those who knew him say that he was very affable, but also that he looked very sad.

Who were “Luciano das ratas” and “man-ape Avelozu”? Fatima Mariano brought forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present.

Credits: Contraponto Publisher

” data-title=”Who were “Luciano das ratas” and “man-ape Avelozu”? Fatima Mariano brought forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present. Who are “Luciano das ratas” and “man-ape Avelozu”? Fatima Mariano brings forgotten figures from Portuguese history to the present – SAPO Lifestyle”> Who were

Credits: Contraponto Publisher

Among the characters he presents to us, some have given rise to myths, plots and theories. Would Fatima Mariano want to share one of them with us?

Some people think that the story of Albano de Jesus Beiran, the “Ape Man of Avelozu”, inspired Edgar Rice Burroughs to create the character of Tarzan, but I haven’t found anything to support this theory.

Does he take into account that in some of the periods referred to in the book, there were people or movements that opposed these public manifestations of human beings?

I did not find any mention of organized protest movements of these public exhibitions. I realized that as we move forward in the 20th century, it becomes more and more sensitive to this topic. In the case of the so-called “monkey boys”, for example, Dr. Fausto Landeiro criticizes news diary, as some newspapers called these children. Also in the case of Gabriel Estevan Monjanet and Lucio Pedro, known as the “Dwarf of the Colosseum”, newspapers criticize the fact that these people are exposed because of their physical condition.

In the course of the research you did for your book, did you find any other figures that, due to lack of reliable sources, you did not include in the work?

Yeah. They were not included due to the lack of credible sources or the paucity of information that could be collected. One of these figures is Maria Cachucha, a woman who worked in a slaughterhouse in Torres Vedras. I am very curious to know the story of your life better.

Written interview in September 2022.

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RAMMSTEIN @ Estádio da Luz, Lisbon




Four years have passed since Stadium tour belonging RAMMSTEIN started in Germany. Much more since the itinerary was originally announced, and given the pandemic, it has been just under 365 days since tickets for the Portugal concert went on sale. However, after such a long wait for the return of the German band to the national soil, the day finally came when the titans of industrial metal honored us with their presence again. It was the stadium debut of a band that first visited us with two performances in 1998 at Paradise Garage and Hard Club and the national audience saw it grow step by step. Despite the absence we’ve been left with for the past decade (the last show here dates back to 2013 at the then Pavilhão Atlântico), the arrival of the Germans turned Lisbon into a black sea. In fact, a simple trip to the supermarket in the morning would be enough to realize that people from all over the country (and not only) have gathered there, the Portuguese almost all with backpacks on their backs, converging to host a group that is about to celebrate three decades careers. According to some, recent accusations that Till Lindemannthe band’s lead singer, has become the subject of much conversation on social media and the media in recent months – a story unfortunately repeated in the entertainment world.

Let’s face it, it was the national date for the third route Stadium tour on the Old Continent RAMMSTEIN arrived in Portugal in disgrace rather than grace. Even so, the metro ride to Estádio da Luz was electrifying. Inside, we were greeted by a sea of ​​people all along the useful perimeter, with bars packed to capacity and a cool breeze that began to rise in the late afternoon, chasing away any shadow of a potential stadium elephant. Whether you think about it or not, or realize that the future seems increasingly uncertain for the band (or for the band with Till), the truth is that everything is set to welcome you with open arms. You can understand why if you look ahead. A gigantic stage dominates the stadium with several towers dotted across the lawn. Up there, the gray sky is preparing to receive all the explosives that will be detonated all night. Let’s face it, it’s not every day that we go to a show where we have to spend a few very long minutes to even grasp the size and scope of everything that lies ahead of us. And yes, even though the lineup had been circulating widely since the start of the tour, expectations were still high for it. performance in itself. But let’s start because this scene is really impressive; built to recreate an impressive dystopian cityscape that could very well have emerged straight from the classic silent “Megapolis”from Fritz Lang, which is easily confused with the futuristic structure of the current SLB home. Result with the French ABELAR playing piano versions of the classic headliners (on a dais at midfield left), it was just right for a band with such a penchant for imposing, dramatic gestures to shine in all their glory.

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We could try to distort the text as much as we like, and at times it may even seem pointless to write about a show of force like that RAMMSTEIN. They are a HUGE, fiery band when needed; the choreography is thought out to the smallest detail – and, in truth, they have set the standard for what a great concert can be over the past two decades. with every tour becoming even larger and more imposing than the previous one, by this time nothing will allow them to give anything but an exceptional concert. Despite the restrictions, this unmissable event of the year also proved to be no exception to this rule, and once again the idea that no one represents a live show like these people was strengthened. The main export of German metal became famous for two reasons; they cause more explosions than a fireworks factory fire and play music at such a volume that it can often be heard 17 kilometers from where they play. Well, the same thing happened here, with a powerful and loud sound (perhaps too low in the place where we were present at the concert), well supported by sound towers strategically placed so that everyone can hear everything in loud and clear sound. . With the volume pumped up, you could feel the bass rumble through the foundation of the stadium. Taken into account: nothing much has changed on the stage since we last saw them, but everything has gotten bigger, much bigger.

01. ram song | 02. Links 2-3-4 | 03. Punish me | 04. Poisonous | 05. Yearning | 06. My heart burns | 07. Puppet | 08. angst | 09. Time | 10. Germany | eleven. Radio | 12. my part |13, Do you have | 14. sonne /// Anchor 1 /// 15. Engel | 16. Foreigner | 17. You smell so good | 18. Without you ///Bis 2/// 19. Rammstein | 20. I want | 21. Goodbye

Four minutes late – 9:34 p.m. seems to have been strategically chosen to ensure that the musicians would only take the stage at night – and the stadium went dark. To the sounds “Music for the Royal Fireworks”now made an anthem RAMMSTEIN, the group’s symbol hangs on the screen of the structure’s giant central tower. The stage lights up as we see Lindemann being lowered in the elevator. The first flames appear and RAMMSTEIN start engines, as is known, with the help of “Rama Song”. Cell phones stay in the air, capturing the moment, but bodies move to the sound of always benevolent “Links 2-3-4”with priceless Christian “Doctor Flake” Lorenz to remain unstoppable on the treadmill next to the keyboard, while the audience alternately dances and shakes their heads, lulled by undeniable hooks. Journey into the past withPunish me” e”Yearning“, how in “poisonous” in the middle of the passion subsided a little. This or all approached what he saw. After that there is a feeling “My heart burns” and alivePuppet” they made everyone sing in unison again. For two hours, the sold-out crowd at the Estádio da Luz not only saw the band play some of their greatest hits. It really happened. Played almost all big games hitsA “Germany”A “Do you have”A “My Part”A “Sonne”A “I want” and even the song of the same name, but it was the show itself – performance – which turned out to be completely out of this world.

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The level of pyrotechnics is indescribable: Lindemann wears a wheel on his back, spewing fire in all directions, and the guitarists Paul Landers e Richard Kruspe armed with two huge flamethrowers attached to their guitars and firing huge flames. There are more innocent things like huge guns confetti which envelop the entire stadium with paper tapes. And everywhere there is fire, a lot of fire. At times, heat was felt on the face, anywhere from the lawn to the stands farthest from the main structure, and waves of pyrotechnics lit up not only the stage, but also the four towers that towered above the crowd and left them. dark puffs of smoke hang in the sky. There was literally a feeling that we were among the rubble of some devastated post-futuristic city. Then there were more earthy things, with a small stage arranged in the middle of the hall (slightly to the left of those who are facing the stage), where musicians joined the crowd. ABELAR interpret “Engel”, which opened the first Encore. After that, the band members returned to the main stage in inflatable rubber boats and attacked the luxurious trio, consisting of “Foreigner“,”You smell so good»e«Without you“. in a second bis planned, but still very much in demand) there was still time to listen to “Rammstein“,”I want“and, at the moment of farewell, very appropriate”Goodbye“.

The images in the gallery are from GEORGE BOOTS.

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Exposed. Images Proving Thiago Rodriguez Wasn’t Defeated, He Just Fell



Exposed.  Images Proving Thiago Rodriguez Wasn't Defeated, He Just Fell

Brazilian actor Thiago Rodriguez, 42, was exposed by CCTV footage near the site where he was allegedly attacked and robbed. After all, he had just fallen from the structure on which he was sitting, and hit his head and face on the ground, which led to injuries.🇧🇷 He ended up lying on the floor for about 30 minutes until he was rescued by two people passing by who helped him. The case angered the Brazilians.

Thiago Rodriguez Injured” data-title=”Thiago Rodriguez Injured – Exposed. Images Proving Thiago Rodriguez Wasn’t Beaten, He Just Fell – MAGG”> injured Thiago Rodriguez

It was the Brazilian Civil Police itself that released the CCTV images showing that the thesis defended by the Brazilian actor, who is currently starring in the TVI soap opera Quero É Viver, is not true. Police Chief Bianca Lima confirmed to Record TV’s Domingo Espetacular that the fall was the cause of the actor’s injuries, not the robbers’ aggression.

The images were captured by cameras at a commercial establishment located in Plaza Santos Dumont in Rio de Janeiro, 200 meters from the Jockey Club where Thiago went to party and was expelled from. According to the records, it was 5:40 in the morning when the actor sat on a metal structure, which is located in the square, lost his balance and fell face down on the ground. Only at about 6:10 am he was rescued by two people passing by. However, it is not clear if these people stole the actor’s mobile phone, which has since disappeared, or if Thiago simply lost it in the fall.

The fall of Thiago Rodriguez” data-title=”The fall of Thiago Rodriguez is a revelation. Images Proving Thiago Rodriguez Wasn’t Beaten, He Just Fell – MAGG”> The fall of Thiago Rodriguez

As a result of the fall, the actor received cuts on his head and was even forced to put a few stitches on his head. After that, Thiago went to file a complaint with the police, claiming that he was attacked and robbed by criminals. But that theory didn’t make much sense as the actor still had the wallet and backpack he had that night. “A backpack with things, a wallet and a rope were with him. And we wondered if anyone who goes for such violence would take only a mobile phone,” the police chief explained.

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After all, Thiago Rodriguez was not beaten. The actor will be left alone – News



After all, Thiago Rodriguez was not beaten.  The actor will be left alone - News

Brazilian authorities have denied the story of an alleged attack that allegedly targeted Thiago Rodriguez. The police, agreeing with the video, which is already circulating on social networks, indicate that the actor did fall alone.

Security cameras in buildings near where Thiago Rodriguez was found show him sitting on an iron and falling forward moments later.

The G1 website guarantees that the authorities will suspend the investigation into a possible robbery, given that “the investigation has proven the absence of criminally significant facts.”

However, it is still necessary to understand where the actor’s mobile phone is located. The police, according to the same media, are trying to understand if it was stolen when Thiago was lying on the ground unconscious.

Recall that the 42-year-old artist said that he was robbed at the exit of a bar in Rio de Janeiro.

Thiago Rodriguez is part of the cast of the soap opera Quero É Viver currently airing on TVI.

Watch the video below, published by the Brazilian press, in which you can see the fall of the actor.

Read also: First images of Thiago Rodriguez after brutal attack

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