
“we hit the bottom”



To paraphrase Bubbles of Love, several hearts couldn’t contain themselves without hearing Fagner’s voice during the isolation caused by the pandemic. Now that the event sector has resumed, the singer is back on stage. One of his presentations took place on Friday, October 10th, at the Riachuelo Theater in Natal. The artist gave an exclusive interview to Cultue magazine, talking about what the post-pandemic period will be like, as well as about projects and politics.

The proposal for a presentation in Natal this time was different, more intimate. Traditional hits like Foam in the Wind are the soundtrack that pleases many. As Fagner says, “Ninety percent of the songs are well-known compositions.”

The artist commented on the emotions of returning to the stage after the parade, said that he still received the title of citizen of Natal, spoke about the release of an album in honor of Luis Gonzaga and commented on the current political scenario in Brazil.

Natal – I have a very beautiful Merry Christmas story, right ?! From the early 70s through Chico Miséria. The first time I went to Teatro Alberto Maranhão, the next day we had to put on a show on the street. I had a relationship with Mirabeau, and they continue to this day. Also with Terezinha de Jesús, who I produced early in my career here at CBS. [produtora]… And over the years, this identity has become closer. My first group was done in Pirangi. We debuted in Mosoro with Robertinho de Recife. And my connection with the guys from Café Três Corações through Café Santa Clara in the early 90’s. The audience has always been very active. I have the honor to say that I have several titles of Citizen of Rio Grande do Norte in the state, but I have not received the title of Citizen of Natal. It was given by Mayor Aldo Tinoco, and in the end I never got it.

Pandemic – I first stayed at Fazenda Sequóia in Minas, which is owned by the boys from Café Três Corações. They have always been great partners. They are even partners with my foundation in Fortaleza. Then I went to my beach house in Fortaleza. I stayed there for 5 months and then took the opportunity to write, really work on the intellectual part, and I ended up recording an album with Renato Teixeira and Almir Sater, which is produced by Kuarup in Sao Paulo, as well as an album with Elba [Ramalho]… we run [O disco com Elba Ramalho] in honor of Luis Gonzaga. We’re launching the game all over Brazil on December 13th, the birthday of Luis Gonzaga. It was an old project that I dreamed of doing because of my relationship with Luis Gonzaga, and I chose Elba because she also had that approach. I had the privilege of recording two albums with Luis Gonzaga, and I was obliged to bring another product that could warm memories, that could revive the meaning that Luis Gonzaga had for Brazilian music, especially for us from the North-East, to which greatly influenced them.

Political positioning – I think everyone should show themselves the way they want. I have always been very involved in politics in every government since Ceara because of my connection with Tasso. [Jereissati], with Cyrus [Gomes], and so on, the birthplace of PSDB. So I got too carried away and was always close to politics because I thought we had to play our part. I never got on the charging platform. I have examples even here in Rio Grande do Norte with how many friends of mine who have gone through politics. If I go to speak, everyone knows: Jose Agripino, Geraldo Melo and many others, thanks to this connection. Today I think that in my case I should care more about what I do, which is a huge job. Stay a little alone and let people speak up. I believe that we need to change, that we have hit the bottom. We live in a pandemic world in every sense. So people, of course, go into politics with good intentions, then they cannot do it, others have bad intentions. I think we are living in a terrible situation and we really need to change something.

The current government is I think people have to decide what they think is best. Who is happy, let him go, who is not … we have candidates from people who also failed, but Brazil, as we always know, is like a crab, it goes far into the past. So there is an expectation that we will be lucky in this change and that people will be able to do things right.

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