
Warning Windows 11: There is a new issue affecting speed!



Most recently, Windows 11 received a new update (build 22000.282) that fixes several bugs. One of them affected the performance of the new operating system on computers with processors. AMD… However, when it was thought that everything was outdated in Windows 11, there is another one that in practice can significantly slow down the speed. At least once.

Warning Windows 11: There is a new issue affecting speed!

The new problem is related to file manager and it can really slow down your computer. The good news is that a solution is coming soon.

Microsoft in Windows 11 decided to replace the traditional File Explorer banner with a Quick Action Command Bar. Depending on what we choose in the explorer, we see different things.

With this command bar, we can copy, cut, rename, share and delete selected files or folders. In addition, you can change the display of items. In fact, it has everything you need to use file manager The best way. However, it comes with an unexpected error that can lead to memory problems.

Unless the command bar does unnecessary calculations when users browse different folders, as the site says. Latest Windows versions… This now leads to a big performance degradation.

In addition, there are errors in the context menu as well.

The fix is ​​coming

The good news is that the fix is ​​already being tested on build 22478 of Windows 11, which is now available to Insiders on the Dev Channel. If nothing serious is found, it will be quickly available for final release.

Not all AMD processor issues are resolved

It is true that the fix I mentioned above fixes the underlying problem. But there is one more. This is due to the functionality of the preferred kernels and is easy to explain. Processors are composed of multiple cores. Currently, and in most cases, there are eight of them. Some are faster while others are more energy efficient. That is, they are a little slower, but they also spend less. The problem is that task distribution doesn’t work very well in Windows 11. This way, everything just hits the fastest cores.

Although initially we might think this is good, because tasks will run faster, these cores will clog and others will remain free. This is the same as dividing the task into 8 people, but only two people work. The impact on performance is unknown.

However, there is a way to solve this problem. THE AMD says it will happen via update software… That is, not through an update Window

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