
Trump bans anti-American diversity training



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The President has previously stated that he does not believe that there is a systemic problem of racism in the United States.

US President Donald Trump has ordered federal agencies to stop training for racial sensitivity, calling it “divisive and anti-American propaganda.”

A memo to government officials says he drew attention to the fact that millions of dollars in taxpayer money were funded for such “trainings.”

The document says that these sessions only cause discontent among employees.

Mr Trump has previously stated that he does not see systemic racism as a problem in the United States.

The memo comes amid protests for social justice that have swept the country in recent months.

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Friday two-page paper from Director of Management and Budgeting Russell Vout addressed to the heads of federal executive bodies and departments.

“All agencies are directed to begin identifying all agency contracts or other costs associated with any training in ‘critical race theory’, ‘white privilege’, or any other training or advocacy effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the United States is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil, ”it says.

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The memorandum states that “according to press reports, executives were required to attend trainings where they are told that” virtually all white people promote racism “or where they are required to be told that they” benefit from racism. ” “

Quoting again from press reports, the text states that some of the trainings “further argued that there is racism inherent in the belief that America is a land of opportunity, or in the belief that the most qualified person should get a job.

“These types of ‘trainings’ not only contradict the fundamental beliefs that our nation has held since its inception, but they also cause division and resentment in the federal workforce.”

It was unclear what kind of reports Mr. Vote had in mind or what triggered the memorandum. But such training sessions were particularly praised by the Discovery Institute, a conservative, nonprofit think tank based in Seattle.

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Chris Rufo, one of his research assistants, told Fox News this week that the US Treasury is one of the federal agencies to hire such trainers.

Mr Rufo says his requests for public records show that these sessions included teaching staff that white people support the American system of racism and sending male white leaders to mandatory training sessions where they write letters of apology to minorities …

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who will challenge Trump in the White House in November, has pledged to fight systemic racism if elected.

“For generations, blacks, browns, Native Americans, immigrant Americans have not always been fully included in our democracy or our economy,” the former vice president said in July.

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