
“There is no age to write a biography …”



As he promised on his “Two at 10” program this Friday, October 29, Claudio Ramos took to Instagram to announce that he had been asked to write his own biography about a year ago.

I never dreamed that the proposal was difficult. “Claudio, tell us your story!” So, in the first few minutes with the sheet in front of you the problem and its causes. I took a deep breath and two seconds later said yes without really thinking about the rest.“, Begins with a story.

It has been a year since that test, and I finished this week the first part of the story, which is certainly the same or similar to many who will read it one day, very different from most and certainly opposite in many ways. what they think.“, Exchange.

It is still far from complete, but putting so many things on paper saved me a lot of euros in therapy and deprived me of a lot of sleep. With this challenge, I just strive to stay. Stay in the life of my daughter, my nieces, my grandchildren, if I have any, friends who really want me. From those who follow me willingly. One day they will understand a lot and meet on paper people, emotions, situations that made me arrive where I was always expected … although neither the place nor the end of the story is known.“, Continues.

There is no age to write a biography. I’m as far away as a book and will have many more (hopefully) blank pages … I am physically tired of writing, but emotionally happy to know that writing is the most passionate way to get us carried away. Take it with you wherever you go. To places where we were happy, flipping the popular adage that we shouldn’t do this, and visiting places in the form of catharsis where we were deeply unhappy.“, he’s writing.

I do not know when it will be in my hands. I just wanted to share with you the joy of having reached the end of a kind of first act.– the presenter concludes.

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