
The STF assesses the secret budget as “political activity,” Prime Minister Bolsonaro said in the Chamber



The Deputy Head of Government in the Accounts Chamber said that the Transitional PEC “constitutionalizes” the mechanism, making it unnecessary to discuss it in the STP

247- Deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), leader of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the Chamber, qualified as “political activity” the judgment of the so-called secret budget of the current leadership, used to co-opt support for parliamentarians in the National Congress, the Supreme Court, the Federal Court (STF ). The court decision on the constitutionality of the measure is scheduled for Wednesday (7).

According to the parliamentarian, the secret budget will be enshrined in the constitution through a transitional PEC vote led by Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD) that will be analyzed at a plenary session of the Legislative Chamber on Wednesday. “Pure political activism. If this is written in the PEC, it will be enshrined in the constitution, so there is no need for discussion in the STP,” Barros said at a parliament meeting. CNN Brazil.

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