The lack of representation and lack of visibility of urban culture in the mainstream media has forced the national rap scene to move and seek ways to appreciate the work of the movement’s artists. O National Television Award for Rap one such initiative. The event reaches its second edition with a virtual ceremony on the channel. Rap tv on Youtube this Sunday (5), from 20h.
The event, geared towards national production, aims to encourage and showcase talent from across the country. The inclusion of LGBTQIA + artists is also a concern. This year they have prepared a special manifesto as part of the Prize Attractions. Below is the basic information and a list of nominees.
More details:
Plays and political manifesto for the 2022 elections
The broadcast, which will show the best of the year, promises to be saturated with talent from the stage. Intimate presentations Leall, febem, Brazilian Grime Show, NINA., Nill, Louis Lins e Wei confirmed at a ceremony led by Felipe Mascari, Marsilio Gabriel e Bruna Braga…
Participation of artists Owl BC1 e Pacha Ana they must give the event a political tone – one that celebrates a culture that is essentially political. Both of them will appear on video to read the political manifesto for the 2022 elections. The text should highlight the position of rap against state violence and the project to eradicate minorities, culture and education.

A manifesto that prized democracy would also encourage rap audiences to vote to change the course of history. “We cannot allow what happened in 2018 to happen in 2022. The current government violates one of the basic tenets of our movement – respect. In addition, it harms the characteristics of our existence, including racism, homophobia, macho, classism, elitism “, highlights MC and poems from Mato Grosso Pacha Ana…
Coruha BC1, owner of the excellent Brasil Futurista album, emphasizes the importance of knowing the history of the movement: “In Brazil, rap, the hip-hop movement, has played and continues to play a fundamental role in the fight against racism and social inequality. This must be preserved “…
Categories and indications
The National Rap TV Award has won new categories for the second time and now has 15 awards. The selection of the finalists was made by a panel of judges of 200 people, which included journalists covering hip-hop culture, culture and music journalists, content producers, influencers and other representatives of hip-hop culture.
The nominees are divided into the following categories: MC of the Year (male), MC of the Year (feminine), Album of the Year, Best EP , Best Song, Best Feat (2 performers), Best Feat (3+ Performers), Best Music Video, Best Cover, Best Beatmaker, Hit of the Year (with public vote), Breakthrough of the Year, RAP TV Bet, Featured Media and Featured Podcasts.
One of the brightest names this year is rapper Carioca. Leall, who received 4 nominations thanks to the success of his album “Carved ax“- released in March this year. In a statement POPline, he highlighted the work done over the past few months and praised the moment the scene passes.
“I am very happy to be nominated in many nominations, this year is very important for me, we worked hard to get the album out, and it was also a very rich year for the stage, a lot of brave artists, but nevertheless, there was nothing surprising for us in these nominations, because we really worked hard, not to mention humility, we did a great job not only on the Esculpido a Machado album, but with all the other singles like Demonica, ”Lille said. POPline…
The rapper also praised initiatives such as the RAP TV Awards, created by people on stage who understand national rap. “I think these initiatives, such as the RAP TV award and others, are of great importance for the development of the scene. Everyone wants to receive an award, wants to receive something that comes from these people who understand the subject, they are the appropriate people who vote and choose, they know what they are talking about, ”said the rapper.
beatmaker from Minas Gerais VHOOR – who recently released the album “House” nearby FBC – is one of the nominees in the category “Chosen beatmaker“. He emphasizes that such events help to promote stage artists. “What I think is the coolest thing in the categories is having rap behind the scenes with producers, beatmakers, DJs, which is very interesting because it appreciates the way hip-hop is done with all the elements added.“, – the musician comments.
> “BAILE”: FBC & VHOOR Present Hilarious Album Inspired By Miami Bass
Check out the full list of the 2021 RAP TV National Award nominees in all nominations:
Best Album:
Febem – Young OG
Flora Matos – On the side of Flora
Leall – Carved Ax
Major RD – Trophy
Rico Dalasam – Dolores Dala, Keeper of Help
Sant, LP Beatz – Rap Dos Novos Bandidos
Best EP:
Crystal – Quartz
Filipe Ret – Intangible
Gloria Grove – Case
Tasha and Tracy – Board
Victor Shaman – Heat
The best music:
Don L. – “On the Hit of a Perfect Search”
Emicida – “É Tudo para Yesterday” (part. Gilberto Gil)
LIAL – “Pedro Bala”
Head of MD – “Tiffany”
niLL – “Control” (part. DijahSB)
Tasha and Tracy – “Balm”
Best feat with 2 MC:
Bivolt – “Tu e Y” (part. Emicida)
FBC – “Se Tá Solteira” (part. Mac Julia)
Flora Matos – Thank You (part MV Bill)
Head of MD – “Ray Lacoste” (part. DomLaike)
Vandal – “BALA THEIR FOGOH” (part. Jong)
Victor Xama – “I see the sun” (part. Zudizilla)
Best feat with 3+ MC:
ADL – “Favela Vive 4” (part. Mc Cabelinho, Kmila CDD, Orochi, Cesar MC and Edi Rock)
Bilzin – “The Face of Crime (We Worry)” (part. MC Poze do Rodo, PL Quest and MC Cabelinho)
Flizus – “Mafia in a tracksuit” (part. Febem and PLK)
Larinhx – “Shirt 10” (partly Ebony and Ikinya)
Sant – “AQL SLV” (part of SD9, VND and Tiago Mac)
Urias – “Maserati” (part. Ebony e Monna Brutal)
Best Clip:
Black Alien – Amy’s Charter of the Couple
Criolo & Tropkillaz – “Otsed System”
Don L. – “On the Hit of a Perfect Search”
Gloria Grove – “Keda”
Matue – “I want to fly”
Tasia Reis – “Shonda D +” (featuring Urias, Preta Ari and EVEHIVE)
Best Cover:
Leall – Carved Ax
Rico Dalasam – Dolores Dala, Keeper of Help
Sant, LP Beatz – Rap dos Novos Bandidos
Tasha and Tracy – Board
Thiago Elnino – Current
Victor Shaman – Heat
Major RD
Chief physician
Colonel T.Z.
Selected beatmakers:
Selected media:
Brasa mag
Hip Hop DX
Rap Mays
Featured podcasts:
Dry ice
Gringos podcast
Reverse podcast
Hand to hand
Rapfalando: podcast
Best MC:
MC Poze do Rodo
Rico Dalasam
Victor Shaman
Best Female MC:
Flora Matos
Gloria Grove
Tasha and Tracy
Tassia Reis
RAP TV rate:
Big Black
Fox MC
Nick Days
Tokyo DK
Most Popular Music:
Category without voting.
Hit before Ano:
BIN – “Saturno” #RAPTVHitBin
Jonga – “Easy Money” #RAPTVHitDjonga
Filipe Reth – “American Court” (part. L7nnon) #RAPTVHitRet
Gloria Groove – “Bonekinha” #RAPTVHitGloriaGroove
L7nnon – “Blazer Brake” # RAPTVHitL7
Matue – “I want to fly” #RAPTVHitMatue
MC Poze do Rodo – “Crazy Life” #RAPTVHitPoze
Chief Physician – “Ray Lacoste” (part. House of Laike) #RAPTVHitMDChefe
Tasha and Tracy – “Balm” #RAPTVHitTashaTracie
Teto – “M4” (part. Matuê) #RAPTVHitTeto