
The fuel bill will be required to “mandatory indicate” the discount provided by the government.



If, on the one hand, this measure “turns out to be transparent”, on the other hand, we may face the “risk of mentioning the policies of the executive” in invoices, according to the association Integridade e Transparência.

Starting October of the following year, fuel invoices must show a reduction in the tax burden with the note “Reduction of ISP + VAT”. exceptional family support measures to mitigate the effects of inflation, namely the return of additional VAT revenues to taxpayers and a reduction in the tax on petroleum products (NNP) announced by the Government.

According to diploma published in Diário da República on September 6, when you submit your invoice, you must indicate the difference between the ISP amount that will be charged before the discount (plus previous VAT) and the amount of the ISP discount currently applied, plus the return of additional income by VAT.

The diploma justifies this measure: “In the context of the imperatives of transparency in pricing and the normal functioning of the market, operators are obliged to fully reflect the temporary reduction in the tax burden on fuel on end consumers, which occurred consistently at the level of unit tax rates for oil and energy products applicable on the mainland to unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel for road use.

Integrity and Transparency (IT) President Nuno Cunha Rolo notes that he has not yet had the opportunity to review the diploma, but tells CNN Portugal that he sees no “legal obstacles” in this decision, because he adds that it can serve as an “incentive to make people “more aware of whether they are spending above average money or not.”

If, on the one hand, this measure “seems transparent”, on the other hand, the official admits that we may face the “risk of mentioning government policy” in invoices. However, Nuno Cunha Rolo refers to the “transparency assessment” of this measure only when it comes into force.

Recall that the Government has decided to extend until the end of the year the suspension of the carbon tax increase, the return to citizens of additional VAT revenues and the reduction of CIT. António Costa explained that with this measure, the Portuguese will save 16 cents on diesel fuel and 14 cents on gasoline for every 50-liter tank.

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