
The country’s largest political website lists Pedro Vilela as one of the likely elected members of the Federal Chamber.



The Queiroz Assessoria Parlamentar e Sindical poll for the news portal Congresso Em Foco, published on September 24 and updated on September 26, points to the candidacy of MP Pedro Vilela (PSDB) as one of the most competitive in Alagoas and with a chance of a real victory. Of the 443 members of the Federal Chamber of Deputies up for re-election, 369 are “very competitive in terms of keeping their seats,” according to the company, and Pedro Vilela is one of them.

Queiroz Assessoria analyzed the candidates in detail to identify the most competitive and try to estimate the size of the party benches from 2023, the company says. Five different aspects of the candidacies were analyzed: i) the electoral history of the parties and their candidates; ii) voting intent polls; iii) pre-election forecasts of parties and coalitions; iv) the structure of the candidates’ election campaign – party political, financial, social media followers, level of knowledge about the elections and advertising time on radio and television; and v) projections for the calculation of the party coefficient and the expectation of a dispute about the balances, taking into account the new electoral rules.

Pedro Vilela has been elected the best parliamentarian in Alagoas by the Politicians’ Rankings, a private initiative that evaluates members of the National Congress for such requirements as fighting corruption, privileges and wasting public money, impeccable reputation, diligent presence and activism. at thematic meetings and commissions.

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