
The book shows how Roberto Mariño understands the intricacies of political power.



SAO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – classified as a biographical profile that is hardly a biography, as its author will soon explain, a new book about Roberto Mariño describes the most influential Brazilian of the last century as a 1.64-year-old man. m, which used inner insoles in the shoe to achieve greater heights.

So reports Eugenio Bucci, signing “Roberto Mariño: Um Jornalista e Seu Boneco Imaginário” (Cia. Das Letras).

At 329 pages, Bucci draws a profile that can explain the successful trajectory of his character, based on the connection between the episode of childhood aggression by the founder of Globo and the description of his favorite painting José Pancetti “On Boneko” (1902-58), displayed on one of the walls of the mansion in Cosme Velho. where the owner of Globo lived for many years until he died in 2003 at the age of 98.

Meanwhile, the author goes through the history of building the largest communication empire in the country from the newspaper A Noite, founded by the patriarch Irineu Mariño, a business that was lost due to a partner who betrayed his trust. to the creation and development of the Rede Globo, providing an overview of the press and entertainment industry in the 20th century.

It was as a result of the competition for the name of the new Marinho newspaper that the name O Globo was born, which would later be called Globo and would become the strongest media brand in the country.

The book explores the subject’s enviable ability from an early age to navigate the intricacies of political and economic power that made him an ally of Getulio Vargas back in 1930 – with a hiatus shortly thereafter, just in time to disunite. himself from Vargas’ support of Nazism.

He is also redefining his relationship with the military regime, which came about without facing the servility of handing over communist heads, which the boss covered in the newspaper and on television, duly protected by him.

And it comes to the 1989 election, when then-candidate Fernando Collor de Mello, whose father Arnon de Mello, whom he had known for a long time, was the clear favorite.

With a bad eye, Arnon had affairs with Mariño and was clearly defended by the pages of the O Globo newspaper when he shot Sylvester Pericles in the Senate in 1963, shooting his colleague Jose Kairal of Acre, who died.

The stories of the first boxing scene with the eldest son Irineu Mariño, when he hit a guy in the street who attacked him as a child at school, are part of a memoir annotated by Roberto Mariño himself in an autobiographical essay that he will never write. under the title “Sentenced to Success.”

“This name is wonderful,” Bucci comments in an interview with the report. In the book, the author notes that “it was a hidden, unconscious memory of a knocked out child that pushed him into battle,” and this fact was the result of all his achievements.

To this Bucci connects Marinho’s interpretation of “O Boneco” in a statement made at the request of curator Licia Olivieri in 1991: “Every time I look at this little painting by Pancetti, I have a moving feeling as if I’m looking inward. … It has an evocative power that fascinates me because inside this doll is a boy, shrouded in loneliness, mystery and fantasy. […]”

“The experience in which he tells how his classmate beat him in school is very powerful,” Bucci concludes. “And judging by the light emitted by the painting“ Mannequin ”, there is a connection with the understanding of this figure. This is admirable, including on my part, ”he explains.

As a professor at the USP School of Communications and Arts (ECA), Bucci has devoted himself almost 30 years to understanding television, from concept to audience perception, as he already confirmed in his book O Brasil em Tempo. de TV ”(Boitempo, 1996), where he traces the relevance of television, led by Globo, to the military unification project of the post-Embratel regime.

“I had this view of it as I studied it, and it is a very powerful thing in my life.” On the basis of reading articles, books and restoring old research and studies, “a kind of psychological key to the character began to emerge.”

“Of course, I do not want and do not have a license to conduct a psychological or psychoanalytic analysis of a person, including a person who has already died, this is not the case. But this story about aggressiveness, belligerence began to appear to me, it seemed to me, as it were. that I did these readings until I saw what he wrote about ‘Dummy’ and I saw that it was a revelation of who he was. “

Through various texts on television in his journalistic background, Bucci often sharply criticized Roberto Mariño, a man who called himself a “doctor” despite his lack of academic education.

But he admits that he himself was touched when he visited the Cosme Velho mansion in Rio, which was turned into a museum, and looked at “O Boneko” from the point of view of his biography.

It was in 2013, after participating in the Roda Viva as an interviewee, which Bucci said he received from Mario Sergio Conti, then TV Cultura host and Cia coordinator. Perfis Brasileiros collection Das Letrasa, first invitation to write about the creator of Globo.

“A profile is a way to look at a character,” he explains.

“This is a classic category in journalism. Maybe because of my background, when I get curious, my first reaction is to go to my library or library. I will read about this subject first, and at the same time I started talking to people and citing sources, in addition to having many follow-up posts that I did with Globo over the years. “

One of the voices specifically heard for the current book was João Roberto Mariño, now president of Grupo Globo, who has always been at the head of the group’s editorial line since his father left the role shortly before his death.

Bucci takes the opportunity to confirm with him one of the controversial episodes narrated by journalist Leonencio Nossa in what he himself considers Roberto Mariño’s main biography, “O Poder Está no Ar”, the original project of Cia. Das Letras, which eventually ended up being published by Nova Fronteira.

The case concerns a promised loan that banker Walter Moreira Salles will provide to Roberto Mariño to pay off his debt to Citibank.

The institution helped Mariño at a time when the station needed to get rid of its partnership with the Time-Life group, with which the station associated itself in its early years on the air and which it had to get rid of due to legal restrictions. on partnership with collectives of foreigners in radio broadcasting.

Leonencio reports through three sources that Walter Moreira Salles will pay off the debt he owed to Citibank in exchange for a takeover of Globo.

Bucci Joao Roberto says he does not believe this version that Moreira Salles would be a traitor because his father and the banker seemed to have a great relationship, but this does not refute this possibility.

“I think it was difficult to have Walther, but there are a lot of people who say it happened. So I cannot rule out this hypothesis, ”he admits.

The fact is that Roberto Mariño saved Jose Luis de Magallains Lins, one of the top executives of Banco Nacional, who is even one of the sources Leonencio heard in the biography of New Fronteira.

Publication of Bucci’s book from the Perfis Brasileiros series in the same Cia. Das Letras, who lost Leonencio’s book to New Fronteira, sparked rumors that the publisher wanted to release another biography to make up for the loss of the previous one.

But Bucci claims that his goal was indeed a profile, not a biography, which he said he didn’t have time for. “The proposal is completely different, I didn’t want to do a biography and I couldn’t. I didn’t have the time and energy needed for a big project. “

“I have no intention of making big disclosures, the book is not that interesting in this aspect. I am interested in the profile, who is this figure, who in her early 20s began to occupy leading positions in the newspaper and runs it. scenes for 70 years “.

“There is a biography of Pedro Biala. [Ed. Zahar, 2004], Leonencio and others may appear [livros]”I even hope that they will appear, because this is one who includes a lot of research, he is a key name in the evolution of Brazilian capitalism in the second half of the 20th century.”

In its report, Cia. Das Letras denies that Bucci’s book is some kind of compensation for Leonencio, which the publisher is battling in court, as the journalist and biographer, claiming they were embarrassingly interfering with the work, left the publisher and published the book. by Nova Fronteira.

Also through its recommendations, Companhia das Letras denies tampering with the book and says that Bucci’s profile was created at the same time as Leonencio’s biography, since the two products are not mutually exclusive.

As an example, the publisher cites the biography of Getulio Vargas, written by Lira Neto in 2012, and the profile of the same character, written by Boris Fausto in 2006. Another example of duality is D. Pedro 2º, who has a biography “As Barbas do Imperador” by Lilia Schwartz, 1998, and “D. Pedro 2º”, also from the Perfis Brasileiros series, 2007, created by José Murilo de Carvalho.



Price: 84.90 BRL

Author: Eugenio Bucci

Publisher: Cia. Das letras

Production: 329 pages

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