
Tesla sentenced to pay $ 137 million to former employee for racial violence – News



A California federal court ordered Tesla to pay approximately $ 137 million in compensation to a former black employee who claims to have suffered racial violence while working at a Fremont plant. The keeper

Owen Diaz, a former elevator operator who worked at the plant from 2015 to 2016, said he came across “everyday racial epithets” and also denounced employees painting swastika crosses and racist drawings in the workplace.

“It took four long years to get to this point,” Diaz said. New York Times… “It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

As noted in the court case, the guards were unable to stop the racial violence in the factory. “Tesla’s progressive image was a cover for her regressive and demeaning treatment of African American employees,” it says.

After the verdict was handed down, it is still unclear whether Tesla will appeal, as the company only issued a statement in which it tried to downplay the case.

“While we strongly believe these facts do not justify the San Francisco jury’s verdict, we acknowledge that we were not perfect in 2015 and 2016. We’re not perfect yet, ”said Valerie Capers Workman, VP of Human Resources. at Tesla.

“But we have come a long way in the last five years. We continue to grow and improve in the way we solve workers’ problems. Sometimes we make a mistake and when that happens we must be held accountable, ”he added.

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