Capcom released on Thursday night (21) a never-before-seen gameplay trailer. Winter Expansion from Resident Evil Villagenow focusing on innovations Mercenaries. The video explains the new playable...
In response to a major leak that happened a few hours ago and sparked controversy on social media, Game console e playful puppy released extended video...
BUT Rockstar games finally released new information about the next DLC do GTA Online which arrives July 26th. The update will be called Criminal enterprises and...
Facebook will change its look again: soon the first thing users will see when they open the mobile app will be the Home tab, a space...
BUT Microsoft announced implementation Viva Engegeapplication within Microsoft Teams which is supposed to be a copy facebookwith the idea of encouraging the use of the social...
You have free access to all Observer articles as a subscriber. After NASA released the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope, which radically changed...
Since the most critical period of the pandemic, many companies have changed the way they work, making remote work more relevant. And without a doubt, Microsoft...
M. Weiss/CfA Cosmic rays, consisting of high-energy and electrically charged particles, continuously bombard the Earth’s atmosphere. These particles come from outer space and have traveled billions...
To roam“cat game”, was officially released this Tuesday (19) for Sony consoles and computers. On PC, the game can be purchased via Steam for R$63.79. The...
Annapurna Interactive and BlueTwelve Studio have announced that Stray is now available for PS4, PS5 and PC (Steam). In the case of the PlayStation, PlayStation Plus...