It was announced this week that the extensions Street Fighter Pack and digital version Power Rangers: Network Battle – Super Edition are already available on the...
There are about two weeks left until WWDC this year. Apple’s Programmers’ Event kicks off on June 7th with iOS 15 starring. As the event approaches,...
A 58-year-old blind man partially regained his vision after injecting algae proteins into his eye as part of a scientific study. 40 years ago, the Frenchman...
Apple CEO Tim Cook at iPhone maker event 2019 afp_tickers This content was published on May 25, 2021 – 12:11 AM 25.May 2021 – 00:11 (AFP)...
As promised, Apple is launching a new version of iOS. After 3 rounds of beta improvements, the company shipped last week RC version and now iOS...
But for this, only a few models were found. Over the past two months Huawei took some steps to release software updates and started to distribute...
There is a phrase that can be applied very well in this newsletter which reads as follows: Old but golden. This is exactly what is happening...
The most recent operation, Rainbow Six: Siege, has already been fully revealed and brings with it a new operator, several changes, and more. If you weren’t...
At its last special event in April, Apple launched the second generation of its set-top boxes – it came with some news in detail by usbut...
Google recently unveiled Android 12 and is full of news. Apart from a few features, we also made a lot of changes at the graphical level....