
Task bar? Surprise for users after installing Windows 11



Windows 11 brings a wide range of news regarding its interface and some areas to which the user has access. They are imposed on the user as part of a transformation that Microsoft has prepared for their system.

With its appearance on the market, users began to discover some unusual situations. One of them leaves out the new taskbar and brings something completely different … We’re talking about the Windows 10 taskbar.

Apart from all the problems with Windows 11 requirements, many users don't like the behavior of the new taskbar. He is limited in opportunities and positions.

There are a few tricks you can use, but it always goes against what options allow users to customize this item. Yes, it was updated, but in the end it lost functions that were already familiar.

This element is currently not highlighted for the best reasons. Reported by multiple users [12] now that after upgrading to Windows 11 nothing changes and the new taskbar just doesn't appear in Windows 11.

Instead, there is a previous version that has been followed by users in recent years. There is no reason for this failed update, but the truth is that it is the Windows 10 taskbar.

Still far from Microsoft's solution, users have found a way around the problem. The first is going back to Windows 10, and the second is creating a new account and importing user data.

It's like a situation that doesn't make much sense after Windows 11 has bet on this element. Even worse, this Windows 10 taskbar doesn't make sense to be present on Microsoft's new system.

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