
Stray: the game that puts you in a cat’s skin, wins gameplay and comes out in 2022



Stray is coming to PS4, PS5 and PC with lots of puzzles and exploration.

Annapurna Interactive Studio responsible for the Stray game which was announced during the PS5 Reveal presentation in June., just posted a new video showcasing the gameplay of the game and also confirmed that the game will release in 2022. In Stray, you play as a cat on a journey through a mysterious city. Watch the new video released by the company below:

As a cat separated from its family and traumatized, you will have to explore and survive in a hostile environment. In the trailer, you can see how the feline performs various acrobatic stunts to get to places that no one can reach so easily, these skills are necessary for solving puzzles to open new areas and move forward in the game.

On his lonely journey, the protagonist meets a drone called B12, which will help him uncover secrets hidden in a mysterious abandoned city that is gradually perceived as inhabited by two-legged robots describing human reactions.

During the trailer, we see how the cat interacts with the vending machines and even approaches the robot, which rubs its “legs” and even scratches the sofa, rest assured that the cat instincts in Stray are guaranteed!

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In search of your family, threats will begin to appear, and you will have to dodge to stay alive, or rather, arm yourself so that threats are eliminated before you. Perhaps at the end of the day you will find that you all need to rest to the sound of a robot playing a guitar made in a gallon of gasoline.

Stray is confirmed to release in early 2022 on PC, as well as Playstation 4 and Playstation 5., a game developed by BlueTwelve Studio and published by Annapurna Interactive. Developers are expected to disclose more details about the game prior to launch, and we will submit it here on Adrenaline as soon as we have more information. What do you think of the cat simulator? Ready to go on a cat adventure? Participate in the comments with your opinion!

Source: Annapurna Interactive

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