
Sergio Moro reappears in political debate with the Lava Yato flag



A symbol of anti-corruption political debate during the Lava Yato era, the second instance prison was the topic chosen by Sergio Moro to reopen the political debate with his supporters on the networks.

This Sunday, former judge Lava-Yato recalled in his post that Brazil is the only one of the 193 UN member states that does not apply the prison institution after the second court verdict. “192 out of 193 UN countries are imprisoned in the first or second instance. Only there is no Brazil, ”wrote Moreau.

Former minister Jair Bolsonaro, a president who disrupts the country’s agenda with threats of a military coup and non-election, Moro appears to be provoking the former boss by closing the publication with a short message: “It matters.”

After Moro’s publication, the head of Podemos in Parana lvaro Diaz reproduced the same content online. Diaz works for Moro to challenge Planalto for the party in 2022. He must start himself until the former referee makes a decision.

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