
Russian bombers fly over Belarusian-Polish border – Observer



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This Wednesday, Russia sent bombers to fly over the Belarusian-Polish border, where thousands of migrants attempts to penetrate Europe are concentrated.

Two Russian Tu-22M3 aircraft made reconnaissance flights over the airspace of Belarus near the western border, assured the defense ministries of the two countries, which guarantee that from now on the procedures will be “carried out regularly.”

it Putin: new demonstration of support for Lukashenkagathered on Tuesday and “We exchanged views on the situation of migrants”mainly from Syria, but also from Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.

Putin and Lukashenko discuss the migration crisis on the border with Poland

Moscow also blamed the EU for the crisis on the border between the two countries. accusing her of trying to “strangle” Belarus with the closure of borders for migration flows, reports Reuters.

Belarus sends hundreds of migrants to Polish border


Poland, Latvia and Lithuania, countries where people have entered illegally since the beginning of the year, accuse Belarus of deliberately provoking this crisis by exporting migrants across borders as a form of blackmail and retaliation. in the face of sanctions imposed by the European Union.

EU toughens sanctions against Belarus next week, says von der Leyen

For his part, Lukashenka says that “there is neither money nor energy to restrict the passage of illegal migrants” to Europe.

The President of Belarus has also previously accused Poland of seeking war, stating that the migration crisis is a pretext for strengthening the military apparatus at the border and that military tanks sent by the country they do not serve to disperse migrants.

Also this Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Vladimir Putin oppose the “instrumentalization of migrants” Belarus. In response, the Russian president said that the European Union should discuss the crisis directly with Minsk.

Merkel asks Putin to intervene on the Belarusian-Polish border

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