
Refinery Opening Will Benefit Consumers, ANP CEO Says | Brazil and politics



Rodolfo Saboya, Director General of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), expressed hope that opening up the refining and natural gas markets would bring “clear benefits to the consumer.”

“There is an expectation that we are going to transform. everyone said it was [abertura] it works for the good of the consumer, and the consumer waits for this delivery to occur. And the agency has a very big responsibility in this regard and is working hard to make it happen, ”Saboya said while attending FGV Energia’s online event on legislative changes in the Brazilian liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market.

On behalf of the President of the National Union of Distribution Companies of the CIS (Sindigás) Sergio Bandeira de Mello: however, changes in the industry do not guarantee an immediate decline in consumer fuel prices.

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“The answers will come with some increased competitiveness and a fair price guarantee. And a fair price is a fair price. This is not necessarily what you, me or the politician want, ”he commented.

Bandeira de Mello stressed that the country needs to “discuss” the creation of a social tariff for liquefied petroleum gas. According to him,

“LPG has no price problem. Brazil has income problems. A significant part of the population is experiencing difficulties with access to liquefied petroleum gas, as well as to various other resources, ”he said.

Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and former CEO of ANP, Helder Queiroz advocated the need to separate Brazil’s discussion of public policy on fuel prices and the prices charged by Petrobras.

“The fact that Petrobras has long been a monopoly and that we have a history of controlled and regulated prices has led us to confusion between Petrobras pricing and government pricing. It’s time for us to separate these two elements, ”he said.

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Rodolfo Saboya, CEO of ANP, photographed in the director’s office – Photo: Leo Pinheiro / Valor

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