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Psychologist’s homophobia shocks Portuguese older brother



Big Brother de Portugal commentator, psychologist Quintino Aires was removed after making offensive and biased remarks about the gay participant and homosexuals in general. The backlash prompted TVI to fire him.

Big Brother Portuguese New Season Gay & Trans Contestants

Photo: Disclosure / TVI

While participating in the Big Brother Extra, a reality show analysis ride, he shot LGBTQIA + architect and activist Bruno Almeida, one of the competitors in the episode, which kicked off on Sunday (12).

Some time ago, the brother made headlines in the Portuguese press when he spoke in the Assembly of the Republic against discrimination against homosexuals who want to donate blood. The psychologist said that Bruno was “an irresponsible child, an idle queer who considers himself a hero.”

Bruno’s belligerence helped lift the rule that sexual orientation was used as an exception for donating blood in Portugal in March. In practice, this did not allow gays. Without evidence, Quintino Aires hinted that gay blood could endanger the population.

“There is something serious: the fact that now someone who has sex with a large number of people can donate blood in three months, whereas before, you had to wait six. I would prefer to wait 1 year. The blood service is very careful, but (now) the risk of us needing a transfusion will increase, ”he said.

The Big Brother commentator also spoke badly about the Lisbon gay pride parade. “(Homosexuals) continue to demonstrate their licentiousness with a march of shame. During the march, the vast majority walk half naked, licking each other. Then the number of infections increases, and (medical) institutions are preparing for this. “

Executed psychologist Quintino Ayres is unlikely to comment on “Big Brother” again on TVI

Photo: Reproduction / TVI

As reported in a blog post on Monday (13), Portugal’s Big Brother is represented by two gay communicators, Manuel Luis Gusha and Claudio Ramos. There are three LGBT members in the house: homosexuals Bruno and António and a trans man to Lawrence. It is the most diverse reality TV release in Portugal in 21 years.

Hours after Quintino Aires started the argument, Bruno, not knowing what happened outside the house, told his cellmates what he once lived while trying to donate blood. “The girl turned to me and said,“ Are you gay? Oh yes, you can donate blood, but you need to spend 1 year in abstinence. ” And me: “What? But have I hurt anyone? “- he said.

“Homosexuals are the people who most of all test themselves for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). A heterosexual does not even remember how he went to the test, we (gays) constantly think about it. “

In Brazil, the restriction on the donation of blood by homosexuals was lifted in May 2020 following a Supreme Court decision. Most judicial ministers found the rule introduced by Anvisa and the Ministry of Health unconstitutional and discriminatory.

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