
Provisional candidates adjust speech to try to break their bubbles – Politics



BRAZIL – Away from the traditional political arena, montage by a former judge Sergio Moro walk through Praça dos Tres Poderes square between rooms Car wash fell into the grace of the young. Filled with the hit of the moment playing with “chic and comfy fashion dresses,” this short video went viral on Tik Tok and has been viewed nearly half a million times – a high score for this new social network. Created by supporters, the content used a 13-second snippet recorded for the Podemos affiliation case, an opportunity in which Moreau sought to talk about issues other than anti-corruption and thus attract voters outside of his own bubble.

As the electoral process begins, pretenders, allies and supporters try to adapt the narratives to dialogue with different groups. Each in their own way, preliminary candidates go beyond their traditional constituency. Neighborhoods of the former president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), for example, wants to hold a major meeting with evangelical leaders in the coming months to rebuild support from a segment that was critical in the victory of the gospel. Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in 2018. The idea is to highlight contradictions in the president’s Christian stance, such as lack of compassion for the victims of COVID-19, in an effort to take votes away from the current head of government. Executive in this county.

Bolsonaro, in turn, is targeting low-income populations, reneging on liberal and reform commitments to change the public spending ceiling and guarantee aid of R $ 400 next year. An IPEC poll released on the 14th showed that voters with a monthly household income of up to one minimum wage are currently the most active in their intention to change the vote from Bolsonaro to Lulu in 2022.

In an effort to establish himself as the third path, Moreau used the tactics of confronting the two as a person not related to politics. “Regardless of social profiles, Moro is an option for being a level-headed person who can support democracy. Of course, he also shaped the discourse in order to be able to speak to any audience, ”summed up MP Junior Bozzella (PSL-SP), an enthusiast and author of the former judge’s campaign project.

During the polarized dispute between Lula and Bolsonaro, Moro must “pierce his bubble” to try to attract a part of the electorate that has not yet been determined, according to political scientist Rodrigo Prando of Mackenzie. “Moreau has an advantage. He is already known, he acts as an alternative to both, and it is important to show that he is different from both. Poles each have about 30% of the electorate’s preferences. There is still 40% to be disputed, ”he said.

Ideological war

Outside the campaigns, another communication “war” unfolded between the left and right camps. A documentary released in September promoting the conspiracy theory that the blow to Bolsonar during the 2018 campaign was a fake is being circulated by members of PT. The video received over 1.5 million views on YouTube, and an interview with the author was even published on the official party channel.

At the opposite extreme, production company Brasil Paralelo is growing in the conservative video segment, often echoing the pocket merchant’s banners. Known as a “Netflix Pocketnarista” of sorts, the company plans to expand its roughly 260,000 subscribers to Sao Paulo’s favelas.

The producer signed a partnership agreement with the NGO G10 Favelas to provide access to the community. The project started in Paraisopolis, 500 people were signed. “We bring information to people. Nobody is obliged to watch it, ”said Renato Diaz, director of Brasil Paralelo.

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