
“Political Platform for 2022,” Senator Eduardo Giro says of the CPI



Evaristo Sa / AFP

Senator Eduardo Girao (Pode-CE) said the parliamentary Covid-19 Investigation Committee (CPI) was partially operational and that the CPI team will be targeting next year’s election race. “This is a political platform for 2022, the majority of the commission was awaiting trial. People do not want to look at corruption in this CPI, ”he stressed. Statements were made during the program Morning at the club, on the Radio AM 720represented by column holder Political diary, Roldni Santos.

The senator believes that the command of the Commission will create a platform for the presidential elections in 2022, which, according to Giraud, causes the Commission to be discredited in front of the population. “The CPI is getting a bad name for wanting to foresee a political platform for 2022, it’s inhuman and cowardly. There is a member of the presidential commission, ”said the parliamentarian.

Giraud also said that Renan Calheiros (MDB) is acting in the CPI for personal reasons against the federal government and encourages opponents to speak in accordance with his report, which, according to Eduardo, was ready even before the G8. “This has already become a personal affair between Senator Renan Calleiros and President Bolsonaro, these barbaric exchanges between them are harmful. Plan he [Renan Calheiros] This is an all-out attack on the federal government, ”he commented.

The senator also said that the population constantly turned to him about the CPI. “When I walk down the street, people say to me, ‘Let’s stop this, this ugly thing with this CPI.’ People are very upset about this addiction, ”he said. In his opinion, the Commission should also investigate states and municipalities, and not only put pressure on the federal government. “The CPI is completely biased towards one side of weakening the federal government,” he said.

Polarization 2022

The moment of polarization has come in Brazil: if you are not on the side, you have to be different, this is not necessarily the case. He has a middle path, this is what the population needs from all of us. Is the political war worth it or do we need more humanity? I am against re-election, I think that the changes are very necessary. A big problem in the country today is populism, often a congressman votes against his convictions so that he does not get tired and confused with any part, already thinking about his re-election.

Secret budget

I believe that this way of doing politics should have ended in Brazil. We continue to exchange political services and deals, it is bad for the nation. I think it is unfair on the part of the government to say who gets it or not, often because of political preferences, it belittles ideas. I advocate that all amendments are transparent and published in the official newspaper for all parliamentarians and do not contain any secrets. It should be clarified that this time of bargaining should have passed, the government made it clear that it should not do this, but continues to do so.

Supreme Federal Court

The Supreme Court is a national shame, they have destroyed the jet of lava, impunity reigns in Brazil, and the privileged forum is the greatest villain of it all. The Federal Senate is the one who can investigate the cases of the STF ministers, and the STF investigates the activities of the senators, one authority defends the other, and this is what covers up corruption in Brazil. Here in Brazil, it’s the Inquisition Court, almost a conspiracy, with the Supreme Court ordering the Senate to hold the CPI at a time like this.


If there is anything a politician respects, it is organized people who know how to blame. It’s nice to see people demonstrate, it’s legal, we can never criticize a demonstration. The people should love politics. We must get rid of the idea of ​​confronting the conscience of people and look for a dialogue that does not exist in the country.

Print Voting

I think these changes are important, they are part of a legitimate democratic game. I am in favor of an auditable vote, if the majority of the population is suspicious of electronic ballot boxes and the cost is not all of these things, why not invest in a sample of the printed vote? This is safety for people and for the process itself.

Apnea surgery

We want to find the whole truth in this CPI, and not just a part of it, as the command deliberately did. We have had more than 60 operations to protect public order, and these are scandals that the country needs to know about, the theft of public resources during a pandemic is not just corruption, it is murder. Something very strange is happening, the Consorcio Nordeste is something very strange. With the purchase of 300 respirators last year, even today these respirators have not reached the population anywhere. The money has been paid, I want to hear from all state health secretaries. The Northeast Consortium is a strange and armored box and we would like some answers to keep this CPI serious.

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