
PC version of GTA: Triology is no longer available



Rockstar discontinued the PC version of GTA: Triology after the desktop launcher was disabled for several days.

At the heart of the vendor’s decision will be found several issues related to “involuntary” inclusion of multiple files.

Steam Deck Console Transfer Hurts GTA: Triology

The launch of GTA: Triology couldn’t have been worse for producer Rockstar. Not only because the new version comes with a soundtrack, 47 fewer songs, but also because the producer had to remove some codes because they did not work properly in the Unreal database.

And just as it seemed like nothing could make matters worse, Rockstar pulled the PC version of Triology off the market. Apparently, the decision is due to the “involuntary” integration into the game of some files that should not be there.

So, after the game’s desktop launcher has been disabled for a few days, news comes that the version is not even available for sale.

On the other hand, the game was dealt another big blow when it was revealed that the launch of the Steam Deck would be delayed by two months due to a component shortage crisis. For this reason, console users only start receiving a new block in February.

Remastered GTA IV scheduled for 2023

Despite Rockstar hitting the title hard for GTA: Triology, it looks like nothing is deterring the producer from his plans for the future. Rockstar is already gearing up to release a remastered GTA IV for 2023, according to leader RalphsValve.

This is even more than a year away, but it may take all that amount of time for the developer to make sure that the remastered GTA IV doesn’t suffer the same setbacks that GTA: Triology is facing.

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