In addition to the space exploration we learned about, the movie also wants to go further and make a movie outside of Earth. Following the announcement...
Six-year-old Susie Eshkuntana woke up alone in the largest hospital in Gaza after rescuers pulled her from the rubble of her home destroyed by an Israeli...
A Portuguese who has lived in Tel Aviv for four years told TVI24 the climate of fear that lives in Israel today after the conflict with...
The fluctuations of virtual currencies, especially bitcoins, were influenced by Elon Musk’s tweets. It was recently announced so quickly that you can buy Teslas with bitcoinsas...
Herman José, who has a weekly RTP program where he says he is very happy professionally as he can do experiences that private channels do not...
Evaristo Sa / AFP Senator Eduardo Girao (Pode-CE) said the parliamentary Covid-19 Investigation Committee (CPI) was partially operational and that the CPI team will be targeting...
Alexandra Barat Today at 13:45 The goalkeeper of the futsal team Centro Social da Bufarda in Atugia da Balea, Peniche, Ricardo Costa, died on Saturday after...
Apple has spent the past few days giving clear signs that it is preparing to launch a new version of its Apple Music streaming service soon,...
The domestic football scoreboard keeps track of all the matches of the competition live. Posted on 05/16/2021Author: Agência Futebol Interior Campinas SP 16 (AFI) – The...
Ethereum’s difficulty bomb, if it explodes, could significantly increase the difficulty of mining. It is expected to explode in the winter. However, the developers of the...