This Sunday, July 4th, TVI’s new reality show “O Amor Happened” premiered. The program aims to bring people who do not know each other together in...
Congressman Vitor Hugo (PSL-GO), the leader of the PSL in the House and also the leader of the government in the House, said this Sunday (4)...
Federico Chiesa has a very positive record at Euro 2020, making history by scoring for Italy against Austria, 25 years after his father Enrico. After knocking...
The Samsung Galaxy S21 is a beautiful and powerful smartphone that quickly captured the hearts of consumers. And of all the impressive specs, one of the...
In the UK, illegal immigrants, in addition to being expelled from the country, still face a six-month prison sentence. The British government now wants to increase...
Portugal is the country with the least number of digital terrestrial television channels. The delivery of the service to the then PT Comunicações (today Altice /...
Considered the richest man in the world, 57-year-old Jeff Bezos will step down as CEO to his number two, Andy Yassi, next Monday, July 5, to...
In the final stages of her divorce from Ricardo Martins Pereira, Ana Garcia Martins is determined to move on with her life and find love again....
On the left is Igreja do Rosário, Peroás territory, and on the right is the Convento de São Francisco, where the Karamuru gathered. Credit: IJSN file....
This Sunday Ben O’Connor (AG2R) won the ninth stage of the Tour de France, another stage on the mountain (144.9 km between Cluses and Tignes) and...