
Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Shukuro Manaba, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi for their contributions to understanding complex physical systems – Current Events



The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences explains that the three laureates were recognized “for their research on chaotic and seemingly random phenomena. Shukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann laid the foundation for our knowledge of the Earth’s climate and how humanity affects it. Known for their revolutionary contributions to the development of science. theory of disordered materials and random processes ”.

Secretary General of the Academy Goran Hansson announced this today in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prizes, which this year mark 120 years since the first prizes were awarded in 1901, will be announced between October 4 and 11.

According to the established procedure, medicine became known first, then physics and chemistry.

Highlights will be the announcements of the Literature and Peace Awards on October 7 and 8, respectively, prior to the final economics award on October 11.

The Nobel Prizes were born out of the desire of the Swedish scientist and industrialist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) to bequeath most of his fortune to people who work for a “better world.”

The international prestige of the Nobel Prizes is largely due to the amounts awarded, which currently amount to nine million Swedish kronor (about 830,000 euros).

Alfred Nobel defined his will in a will drawn up in Paris in 1895, a year before his death.

According to the terms of the will, about SEK 31.5 million, which today amounts to SEK 2.2 billion (€ 203 million), was allocated to a kind of fund, whose shares were redistributed annually among “those who have rendered the greatest services to humanity during the year. “.

The will stipulated that the interest on the invested capital would be distributed between the author of the most important discovery or invention of the year in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, as well as the most outstanding literary work inspired by idealists.

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