
Netflix launches LoL TV series




No, you are not sleeping. Almost every hobbyist’s dream League of Legends becomes real! An all-new series, fully living in the LoL universe, featuring super-champion characters, well-known minor characters, and a host of mysteries and great news, arrives later this year in Netflix

Arcane this is the name of this beauty, a series that is created entirely in partnership with Riot games, the omnipotent owner of the franchise. Do you like the news? What is about to happen is still tense – they drive everyone crazy with their curiosity – but so far the following is known:

  • The origins of the game will be explored like never before;
  • Everything will revolve around Jinx and V;
  • What is developed in Arcade may or may not be used in LoL;
  • The villain Jinx’s full potential will be unleashed, especially with the use of impressive and unprecedented weapons;
  • The rivalry between Piltover and Zaun will be shown from the beginning and may explain some of the poorly solved nonsense in the original game;
  • With rival cities in the spotlight, it’s likely that Victor, Warwick, or Caitlin may appear on the small screen at some point.

Even with a lot of news, the teaser for the series kept the intrigue, showing the shadow of a mysterious character sliding over the walls, making the fandom dream of a little disclosure, check it out below:

It is impossible not to worry with the images, the whole view is made using a special innovative drawing technique, of course, everything is in 3D. Everyone says that this “different” look will eventually attract a lot of people who have never played the game before, but who love anime or animation in general. The fandom must grow …

The guys who already live in the game are very addicted, almost everyone wants to experience the new sensations associated with LoL, without necessarily entering the game. Other media tend to evoke new sensations, global fandons worried about a new product – which has been talked about for a long time, but has been postponed countless times – on a different platform. Manufacturers guarantee that everyone will be delighted with Arcane

When will it be?

The forecast that you will be able to start using this miracle varies from September to December 2021. There is no exact date because – as always – it will depend on how far the pandemic is in most countries. They want to see if a big launch event with fans, voice actors, producers and so on can be held.

The popularity of League of Legends on the planet is growing so much that everything related to the game is also becoming gigantic. Proof of this is that after searching for news about LoL, supporters eventually put the game on the list. most wanted by betting sites, another universe that is becoming more and more familiar among gamers.


There is no shortage of options. The crowd chooses the best players, the most spectacular battles, the strongest teams, etc. Lol attracts the desire to participate in this parallel universe even from those who are not usually gamers. Whoever has a favorite character will not fail to try his luck and at the same time boast of the successes achieved. This is another fun way to get involved.

If you love TV shows, aside from your love of LoL, you might start to freak out because the audiovisual niche has just rediscovered gaming. Many TV series are created on the basis of very famous franchises. Among them: Tomb Rider, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Resident Evil: Absolute Dark, Assassin’s Creed.


All of this will happen on multiple streaming platforms, but Netflix is ​​particularly interested in starting to invest in this combination of TV series and movies with games. They have huge potential in using interactive tools since 2018 when they released the movie. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, where the viewer chose the paths the characters could follow.

It also emerged that streaming is intended to “gamify” other linear narratives in addition to running only a few games. Finally, they realized the size of this market and the millions of dollars to be won. I just know that fans will die of joy with this new release. Wait for scenes from the next chapters …

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