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Gasoline and diesel should develop differently next Monday. Here is the market forecast

price diesel a significant drop should be recorded next week, with the price falling by about 6.5 cents per litre, according to market sources consulted by CNN Portugal, which are based on this week’s refined product prices. already Petrol should not log any changes.

This week, the price of oil on international markets started to hit just above $94 on Monday, but traded just above $91 a barrel on Friday morning. On the eve of the war in Ukraine, on February 23, oil cost just over $94 per barrel.but has since reached nearly $140.

With the price of diesel falling next week, filling up will cost about 1.76 cents per liter, based on yesterday’s average price. If this value is checked, the price of a liter of diesel fuel will still be almost 10 cents more than the average price at which it was sold before the war.

Gasoline, on the other hand, is expected to maintain an average price of around 1.7 euros, which was already below the 1.82 euros at which it was sold for several weeks prior to the conflict.

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