
Municipal assemblies are the local political body in which the most women are elected.



“There is a lack of equality in the degree of competence required, which requires much more from a woman to hold a prominent position.” The words belong to Isabel Cruz, President of the Municipal Assembly of Trofa, and were delivered as part of a seminar organized on May 6 by the Association for Regional and Local Law Studies (AEDREL) in partnership with the National Association of Municipal Assemblies (ANAM).
“Municipal bodies and parity composition: in particular, a comparative analysis of the municipal assemblies of Portugal and Brazil” was the theme of the initiative, which brought together researchers from the Universidad Portucalense Infante D. Enrique in Porto and the University of Santa Cruz do Sul in Brazil. and four chairmen of the municipal assemblies that are part of the ANAM.
The online event was aimed at local elected officials, municipal technicians, lawyers, local managers, civil servants and students, and was guided by “research conducted since the 2017 penultimate municipal government on the implementation of the Parity Law at various levels.” of the government”, indicating that the Municipal Assemblies were the local government body that achieved the largest increase in parity indicators. Taking into account all municipal bodies – the city council, the municipal assembly, the parish council and the parish assembly – according to the same study, the proportion of elected women increased by “33.2 percent”.

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