
Minecraft player recreates planets from Star Wars



Among the Minecraft modes, there is creativity, which allows players to use their imagination and build whatever they want. Thus, the player the game Developed by Mojang Studios, recreates multiple planets in the galaxy of the Star Wars saga, bringing together gaming fever between kids and teens and franchise with almost 45 years of history

A player known as Vistachess talks about his work on Minecraft. on the Reddit forum… There he posted several screenshots of the entire construction, which he carried out alone (or alone?). The user also provides a download link.


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Last Thursday (9th), the player posted images of Tatooine, a desolate planet that served as home to Anakin, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi during Star Wars, as well as Coruscant, the capital of the Republic and then the Empire. In a post, Vistachess said he spent a year building it as part of his open-world, single-player adventure map.

He / she also left two progress videos on Youtube… By the time he needed to create two planets, the others will still need time to get to the player page on Reddit… Now, according to the latest post on the Vistachess forum, a Minecraft builder is working on the planet Naboo, the birthplace of the Queen and later Senator Padmé Amidala.

Vistachess isn’t the first player to use Minecraft to reconstruct fictional worlds. The game builder community has already placed Middle-earth, where most of JRR Tolkien’s fairy tales are set, in cube game formats. Doom, Half-Life, The Witcher, Stardew Valley, and even the full 2017 map of Breath of the Wild from the Legend of Zelda franchise have also entered the game.

Visit the Star Wars gallery on the Minecraft website:

By using: PC gamer

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