
Membership of political parties on the rise in Araraquare



The number of voters associated with a political party in Araraquara has shown a modest increase compared to the years before the presidential elections – 2017 and 2021. In total, last year 14,335 people were associated with one of the parties present in the municipality.

This number is more than the 14,193 voters associated with an acronym in November 2017. The growth is proportionately timid, at just 1%, but it runs counter to what is happening in Brazil, where more than 600,000 voters have stopped following some subtitles.

By analyzing the numbers of each abbreviation, one can see that traditional legends like MDB and PT have lost branches, albeit a little. Despite this, they continue to be the largest in Morada do Sol, followed by PTB, Progressistas, PSDB, Democratas, PSB and PDT.

“This is the same phenomenon [perda de filiados] can be seen in Brazil historically. But this is currently happening in Ararakuar, where the greatest number of connections are concentrated in these legends. In fact, the MDB and PT have more than 28% of the electorate affiliated with the municipality, ”said political scientist, master of political science Viktor Gandin.

The parties with the smallest number of members, according to TSE, are as follows: Rede – 10; PKO, s 11; PSTU, p. 14; PTK, from 20; and PROS and PMB with 31 subscribers. The DC parties round out the list with 35 supporters; Forward, 43; PSL, 52 years old; PRTB, 63 years old; and PMN, 96.

The number of voters belonging to political parties has risen in Araraquare (Photo: Disclosure / TSE)

The legend that proportionately grew the most on Araraquara was Patriota, which grew from 36 followers in 2017 to 456 in 2021, an increase of 1,116%. The number of Novo members increased from 41 to 124, and the number of PRTB members increased from six to 63.

According to Viktor Gandin, one of the possible explanations is the coming to power of President Jair Bolsonaro (LP). This is because Patriota, for example, was one of the possible destinations for the Brazilian president ahead of the 2018 elections.

“Although this Patriot affiliation was not confirmed, the party came to add figures associated with Bolsonism and, more broadly, with the right-wing ideological field. This is the first requirement – joining the party, ”he said.

Another point that may justify the greater rise of the Patriot in Araraquara, according to Gandin’s analysis, is the election results in 2020, when the party’s candidate for mayor was former adviser Dr. Weasley.

“This political group became a legend in 2020, capable of leading the right-wing electorate, although there were several parties in this field with names competing for this field,” he said.

When asked by the report whether the political polarization contributed to the expansion or reduction of members during the analyzed period, the political scientist considered that, despite the tough atmosphere in society, the right-wing movement cannot be transformed into a partisan one.

“On a guerrilla basis, although we can consider, for example, the petismo phenomenon with PT vs. anti-petismo – Bolsonaro’s right-wing movement is not organized in partisan terms, because a party that could compete was not created or voted and polarized in terms of parties or the number of branches, “he said.

“Bolsonaro himself was elected by the PSL and for years was not associated with the political party that formed his base both in Congress and in the municipalities, because those who support him were fragmented and distributed among numerous political parties,” he concluded. …

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