
Man, missing 30 years ago, found alive thanks to family DNA



UThe man, who has been wanted by his family in Brazil for 30 years, was found in a DNA crossover by the Pernambuco scientific police. Cicero Marquez da Silva, 58, is the first time someone has been found using DNA samples from family members of missing persons.

Known on the streets as Francisco, Cicero disappeared without a trace 30 years ago. He was found in Arcoverd, a city 100 kilometers from where he was (Lahedo).

Living on the street without any identification documents, Cicero was never able to explain how he ended up in Arcoverd. It was contact with a retired police officer that ultimately marked the beginning of the happy outcome of this disappearance. Carlos Lopez has known Francisco (who was actually Cicero) since 1999. The only thing he knew about this man was that he was born in Lahedo.

Cicero was homeless in a town 100 km from his home.© Reproduction / G1

This year, in June, after the fall of Cicero, the former agent decided to take him home. Carlos confirmed there that Cicero was indeed from Lahedo. In this case, Carlos decided to enter the church and ask the priest to speak from the pulpit. Cicero was introduced to the believers and rumor spread. Although his name was Francisco, when he learned about the story told in the church, he tried to learn more about the mysterious man.

A saliva sample was taken from Cicero and his sister Antonia. A comparison of the analysis dispelled any doubts and confirmed that the two were brothers. Antonia confesses to G1 that even three decades later, she always retained the hope and belief that Cicero was alive.

The Brazilian Ministry of Justice estimates that 80,000 people are currently missing in the country, but this number could be even higher, since not all disappearances are registered by the police, as in the case of Cicero.

As part of this campaign to find missing persons, free DNA tests are carried out, and there are sample collection points in 229 locations in Brazil. Anyone looking to find a missing family member can go to one of the posts to collect the collection. In total, according to G1, more than 2,600 people have registered genetic material in a program that analyzes data from all states.

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