
Lula and Janja’s wedding: everything is a secret



Almost no one confirms or denies whether they are going to São Paulo tonight (18) for the most talked about wedding in the political world of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and sociologist Rosangela Silva in Janju.

In an effort to make the ceremony intimate and personal without the appearance of a major political event, guests were advised not to talk about it, and the location was not previously disclosed. Even among the political circle closest to the ex-president – and the pre-election one – it is not known exactly who is on the list and who is excluded.

The ceremony is scheduled for 19:00 at the party house in Sao Paulo. OUR the exact location was not printed on the invitation – the idea was to tell the guests the address a few hours before the ceremony via QRCode.

The details were gradually revealed by the press – the former president and PT claimed that this was a personal matter for Lula and Janja.

Approximately 150 guests are expected to attend the party, including politicians, family members, entertainers, friends and employees of the bride and groom and PT. According to Folha de S. Pauloone of the couple’s criteria for closing the cherished list was considering people who are close to both of them.

The complete list is a mystery even to the closest circle. Among PT members, some say they “neither confirm nor deny”. Those close to him say that there is hope of knowing exactly who was summoned, and this, as the legend goes, is known to very few.

The political environment should include longtime friends and prominent people from the campaign, such as former President Dilma Rousseff (PT); former ministers Aloisio Mercadante (PT), Fernando Haddad (PT) and Franklin Martins; Senator Jacques Wagner (PT-BA) and former governors Wellington Diaz (PT-PI) and Benedita da Silva (PT-RJ).

Allies should also include ex-governor Geraldo Alkmin (PSB-SP), preliminary vice presidential candidate on the list with Lula, and MP Marcelo Freixo (PSB-RJ), preliminary candidate for Rio’s government.

Other figures around PT such as Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) and Senators Randolph Rodriguez (Rede-AP) and Omar Aziz (PSD-AM) were not named.

Musicians Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil, Daniela Mercury and Martinho da Vila should be present among the artists, but without confirmation by the report.

According to interlocutors heard UOL, caution was the couple’s request. The invitation also suggested that guests should “stay away from mobile phones” during the celebration, which is scheduled to last until 9:00 pm.

With the consent of Janja, Universa, UOL, there are some details about the bride’s dressstylist’s signature Hey A rock. Reviewer Alberto bombig stated that Lula and Janja plan to spend the wedding day separately. PT will go alone to a hotel in the south of Sao Paulo and see only his partner at the ceremony.

From vigil to the altar

Gianya and Lula started their relationship in late 2017 but only made it public in 2019 when PT was imprisoned in Curitiba. The sociologist was one of those most present at the picket in front of the federal police in the state capital of Parana. She helped coordinate this and was one of the few people allowed to visit Lulu. Today he is the central figure of the campaign.

On the campaign trail since April, the former president has spent the rest of the week getting back to his marriage.

The couple are due to spend their honeymoon in Sao Paulo with no travel but no place, and the foreign agenda should resume next week with a trip to Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.

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