
Lebanese Christian politician skips hearing on street clashes in Beirut – Monitor of the East



This Wednesday (27), supporters of the Christian political party Lebanese Forces blocked access roads to Samir Geagei’s residence in support of their leader’s absence from a military hearing over the deadly clashes that recently took place on the streets of Beirut.

Giageya was summoned for an investigation, which is scheduled for 9 am local time, amid accusations that Christian supporters shot and killed seven followers of the Shiite group Hezbollah and the Amal movement on October 14.

Lebanon – a long history of disasters and crises – Charge [Sabaaneh/Monitor do Oriente Médio]Giageya denies the allegations and insists that he is targeted because of his public support for the investigation by Judge Tarek Bitar into the huge explosion in the port of the Lebanese capital in August 2020. Hezbollah, linked to Tehran, opposes the investigation.

“We will not allow anyone, Hezbollah, Iran or Syria, to try to subdue us,” a Christian protesting identified only as Fadi told the agency. Reuters

“We are here today, sacrificing ourselves to Samir Geagea, just as he sacrificed himself for us in 1994 so that Lebanon can exist and that we stay here,” he added.

Gegeya, a former paramilitary commander, was arrested shortly after the Lebanese civil war, fought from 1975 to 1990, and remained in custody for over a decade. In 2005, he was finally released after three decades of Syrian occupation of the Mediterranean country.

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