
Julia Paglia appears next to her ex-boyfriend and shows signs of a possible reconciliation



First rumors, then confirmation from the actress. Julia Palha was separated from Jose Antonio Arantes Pedrosohaving its own issued statements that realized that the relationship between them had come to an end.

I’m happy, I’m fine. My ex-boyfriend is still my friend and I think it’s important for us to protect him.”said the actress as she was interviewed by the national press on the second day Rock in Rio LisbonJune 19.

However, this Sunday, July 17, the actress posted a photo in stories do Instagram where does it show clinging to ex-partner, raising signs of a possible reconciliation. Julia Paglia also published a post with additional images of the event she attended, but this time alone and without reference to José António Pedroso.

Reproduction Instagram, DR.

It should be remembered that Giulia Paglia recently decided to move to Madrid, Spain for a few months to focus on her training as an actress. According to a source close to the SIC star, distance will be the main cause of the end of a relationship.

The rapprochement between the two could be proof that the friendship between the actress and her ex-partner persists. However, Julia Palkha made visible the photos that were in his profile with José Antónioafter “hiding” them at the end of the relationship.

Is Julia Paglia’s dating coming to an end? The actress deleted the photo with her partner

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