
Jose Luis caused SIC ‘reality’ scandal: Elvas farmer tries to buy a bride – Nacional



Jose Luis Caldeira Fernandez, 63-year-old contestant on SIC’s reality show “Quem Quer Namorar com o Agricultor?”, Will be alone. and you already know the reason. The result of her participation in the TV program is the promise of the future to the candidate Andrea Moreno, huge disappointment, as well as sorrows from the past, including painful betrayal.

Viewers of the reality show SIC will soon see the climax when an agricultural technician from Elvas will make an indecent offer to 43-year-old Andrei Moreno.… According to TV Guia, Jose Luis will offer more physical and emotional engagement with the Ramada Odivelas candidate … but not only that. In a conversation for two, the farmer even proposes to herbut with rules that a single mother won’t like. And this will dictate his departure from the heartthrob Alentejo.

According to the production source we contacted, Jose Luis Fernandez will propose to open a clothing store for Andrea Moreno in front of TV cameras on the central street of Elvas. if you agree to stay with him at the end of the recording and if you agree to take steps go to the altar to exchange rings

Tempting there will be only one price in the offer, with one catch… And it was this that froze the 43-year-old candidate’s initial enthusiasm at Antarctic temperatures.

Jose Luis promised Andrea that he would buy her a store on the main shopping street in Elvas to open her own business. He even emphasized that she would make a great businesswoman and that he had seen her run a designer clothing store. But the condition would be to marry with a division of property, and she will refuse to divide all of his assets.… In other words, the store will never be hers, ”says our source, adding that he heard a competitor say: “I have two children, and when I die, my estate will one day become their property. They are my only heirs. “

Read the full text in this week’s TV Guia, now available at newsstands.

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