
Jacaresinho – Caravan Requião promotes the political scenario in the Pioneer North



Writing with tips

Caravan Requião has been pushing the political scene in Parana since last month when it launched in Francisco Beltrão. During his visit to Jacaresinho earlier this month, former Senator and Governor of Parana Roberto Requian showed that he had the courage to rule the state. The presence of the movement’s coordinator, MP Arilson Chiorato (PT), also attracted attention, who prepared the script and structured, along with Requião, the main agendas of the meetings.

Arilson, who was at CAT (Conjunto Amadores de Teatro), estimates that Caravana Requião now has a very simple mission: “to bring hope to the people.” “Requião is synonymous with hope, yes, jobs, quality public services, true public policy and respect for the individual,” the MP and state president defends against the Labor Party (PT).

Deputy Arilson estimates that the Caravan repeated the success of the South-West at Pioneiro North. “In Jacaresinho, we were again very well received and we took the opportunity to hear the wishes of people who were tired of the government, which, among its main tasks, serves the economic market and does not displease shareholders. exchange or friends of the “wine club” “- he comments.

Multiple movement
For Arilson, Caravana Requião is a plural and non-partisan movement that emerged on the Internet in February this year. “Using the name Geringonça, we held several virtual meetings that we used to communicate with people from all over Parana. Now, with the development of the vaccine and the reduction of Covid-19 cases, we are visiting the main cities of Paraná, ”he says.

According to Arilson, the goal is to listen to the opinion of the population and join forces to restore a more humane Parana. “This is a chance to make Parana more prosperous through quality jobs, government services and respect for people. We cannot continue this policy, which prioritizes the profits of the few, while the majority die to pay for water and electricity. This is an unjust government. We are with Requião because we want and believe in an administration that puts real people first, ”he emphasizes.

Ponta Grossa
The next stop, Caravana Requião, will take place on 23 October in Ponta Grossa. The meeting will take place at the Union of Metallurgists of Ponta Gross and the Region at 9:30.

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