
“I had to live with contractions…”



In an interview with the Expresso newspaper, Clara de Souza recalled her years at RTP and called it a far from positive experience. The presenter also assured that she would no longer work on a public channel.

The SIC chief specialist said that while working at RTP, she experienced moments of “professional killing”: “I don’t have good memories. They tried to kill me professionally. An idiotic revenge driven by the smallness of people (…) That was what made me different because I have a strong sense of justice. There were those who tried to kill me professionally. In the face of injustice, I am saddened. People show themselves when they give power into their own hands.” explained.

Clara de Souza, without revealing names, said: “This man used his acquired power to influence me negatively because he just wanted to harm me professionally. These are such scoundrels who have undermined such a house as the RTP for so many years, ” confessed.

Turntable also ensured that she would not return to the public station, even if they had already changed direction: “It is often said “never say never”. But I would not return to RTP, although that house was no longer in the hands of the same people. I went the other way (…) I couldn’t work with RTP the way I can with SIC“, he decided.

For some time now, Clara de Souza has spoken about her experience at RTP on a podcast and talked about the moment she had while pregnant: “When I arrived there, I was very happy (…) I left TVI to make TV news. I did a TV news job for a year and a half, and then they kicked me out to do something else. I was even assigned at 4 in the morning to present 24 choirs, and I was heavily pregnant. I had to live with contractions and seven months pregnant“opened.

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